2021年9月11日下午三点《方舟猎人——郭亚冠作品展》在北京观唐美术馆隆重开幕。此次展览展出的是郭亚冠2015-2018年的两组游走系列作品.2015-2016郭亚冠在中国云南边境以及老挝等地创作的系列作品《你的方舟停在我某个不知名的梦里》,2017-2018在柬埔寨西哈努克,金边,暹粒等地创作的系列作品《The lastpoint》。两组作品都是一种超越在地性所形成的想象,从而呈现出具有强烈迷幻色彩的画面。郭亚冠个展的是以《方舟猎人》为主题。整场展览以架上绘画为主线,影像纪录片、生态装置为脉络的艺术语言。
习惯的影响;流行的偏见;毫无价值的权威;往往与我们傲慢的认识带来潜在无知的预判或发生的本可避免的事情。当代艺术早已是一种无边界的存在形式,艺术家更应该用猎人的视角关注社会一些现象和未来发展,驶向彼岸的此岸。郭亚冠的“方舟”并不是驶向孤岛。而是不停地游走在不同环境中,通过视觉、通觉、判别和记忆,外部对象的刺激的参与与理智映象传递新的精神层次,激发艺术家本人对艺术更多的共相表达。灵魂与肉体、欲望与需求、平静与幸福都以不同的角色轮回扮演在自然、社会现实中,映像出事物平凡、奇迹、绽放、凋谢等状态符号。猎人般地认知,自由游舸在真实视界中。希望艺术家在生命之河中,开足马力激发潜能,自由游弋。The influence ofhabit; the prejudice of trend; the worthlessness of power; oftentimes thehubris that comes with our knowledge and cognition can unsheathe judgements andpredictions of ignorance, or that which could have beenprevented. Contemporary art has long existed without borders and leash,therefore as an artist, one must observe the various phenomenons, therelentless pursuit of growth and development found in the society, with thementality not dissimilar to that of a hunter, voyaging from one shore toanother.
Guo Yaguan’s “Ark” sails not towards solitude, but roamsamongst the environments. Through visual, synesthesia, prudence and memory,through involvements of external stimuli and new layers of psyche triggered byprojections of reason, the artist themselves are inspired to explore moreuniversal forms of expression. Spirit and flesh, desire and needs, tranquilityand happiness, they take the form of a plethora of roles, circulating innature, in the reality of our society. The status of banality, of beingremarkable, of blooming and wilting within objects, within ideals are thusaccentuated. With the knowledge of a hunter, drifting in an optical reality,free from limitation.May the artist ofgreat potential travel far and wide in the stream of life.
前些年之所以喜欢到处游走,是因为我对不同的环境产生的频率变化很敏感,在应对每个能量体所释放的不同属性的节奏,能够打开我感官深处的种子,所以我的作品每个时期或每个系列在形式上都会有较大区别。我希望它是一种全新的体验,或者说是在面对不同事物时以一种更为敏锐的触觉来抚摸它的真实,从而摆脱固有经验的裹挟。我喜欢在平凡事物中发现“奇迹”和“冲突”,在场每个元素都会震颤出不同的频率,时而交叉碰撞,时而顺势凝结,平凡之物也不再平凡,“物”的属性被渐渐消解掉,生成一种化不开的迷幻 。
During these past fewyears, I have found myself possessing the soul of a wanderer. This isattributed to my keen sense of the changes in vibes and frequencies in eachunique environment that enveloped me. The sprouts deep seeded within my senseswere nurtured by the rhythm of various properties, unleashed by theentanglement with every energy being. Thus, it is not hard to understand thatmy work from different periods of time or from different collections are asvaried as night and day.
I hope to create abrand-new experience, or in other words, perceiving reality through asharpened, tactile form of sensibility when faced with subjects of multiplefacets, thus becoming unchained from the bounds and limitations of preconceivednotions.
I like to find “miracles” and “conflicts”within ordinary things. When each element quakes, vibrating at variousfrequencies, when they clash or consolidate, even the most unnoteworthy objectbecomes extraordinary. The property of “objectivity” fades away, while inexplicable wonders and mysteries arise.
《The Last Point 黄昏》
布面丙烯|280×180cm| 2018
《The Last Point 龙血树》
布面丙烯|200×200cm| 2018
《The Last Point 植物2》
纸本丙烯|110×80cm| 2018
主办单位: 法中艺术交流协会ASFEA(法国) 上海瑶莎文化传播有限公司 New Art Trend艺术前潮