【Ursa Studio】现代感十足的简约时尚空间





Ursa Studio


Ursa is a rendering studio located in Karaganda, Kazakhstan. They provide modeling, design and rendering services to help owners see the future through modern technology. Present customers with a unique spatial texture and a bright and comfortable living environment.


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Bright & comfortable

This apartment house has a square and formal layout. Bright and comfortable is the most direct visual experience when entering the house. The interior of the apartment cleverly combines the public space and the private lounge area, and staged a modern and simple life.


Cloakrooms and storage rooms are rarely found at the entrance of the hallway. The designer has planned in advance and used the space efficiently.


The kitchen area is full of high quality. The marbles of dark and light colors are alternately scattered, and the local brass details increase the refinement of the space. The clean and neat Zhongdao table can also be used as a temporary bar.


The white living room is very stylish. The material of the dining table is made of rare transparent glass material, which has a unique design. The shelf acts as a partition between the living room and the dining room, making the space more spacious and transparent.


The space of the master bedroom is filled with a warm atmosphere, and the wooden bed frame and herringbone pattern floor create a simple and flexible rest space without losing stability.

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Exquisite materials, soft lighting and exquisite interiors make up this gentle and soft apartment, which is tightly wrapped by a sense of luxury and warmth.

The pure milky white makes the interior very pure. The light-colored wooden geometric coffee table, the cyan sofa and the gray single sofa make the space more rich and diverse. The fullness of details adds more storytelling here.

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grey one bedroom


The project is located in New York, and the simple and comfortable one-bedroom apartment brings a different living experience to customers.


The entrance is a passage-shaped hallway, with a black wall on the left side of the hallway and a shoe cabinet on the right side. There is a shoe changing area on the side of the shoe cabinet close to the door, and the mirror wall on the rear side is convenient for the homeowner to get in and out to tidy up his appearance.

客厅区域采光十分充足。 灰色的布艺沙发搭配黑色地毯与茶几,让空间看起来更加显沉稳理性、深邃自然。电视墙没有多余的装饰,干净利落下尽显简约高级。

The living room area is well lit. The gray fabric sofa, black carpet and coffee table make the space look more stable, rational, deep and natural. There is no extra decoration on the TV wall, which is clean and neat, showing simplicity and high quality.

卧室和客厅在同一个空间内 ,床放置在地台上  地台四周用灯带勾勒出边界并用帘子巧妙地进行分隔。

The bedroom and the living room are in the same space. The bed is placed on the floor. The borders are outlined with lights around the floor and cleverly separated by curtains.

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独特的空间质感与明亮舒适的居住环境是Ursa studio为客户带来最直观的体验。

The unique spatial texture and bright and comfortable living environment are the most intuitive experience that Ursa studio brings to customers.


The natural wooden elements and the white jade-colored fabric sofa together draw a soft and quiet space picture. Different interior materials staged a silent communication here.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :DesignBest

撰文 Writer :Sherry     排版 Editor:Fin

图片版权 Copyright :Ursa Studio





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