
落实学科素养主题研修活动英语学科语法填空教学简案课题语法填空课型二轮复习课Teaching Objectives: (教学目标)Knowledge and ability(知识与技能)At the end of this lesson, the students willa. master the techniques to fill in the blanks.b. apply the grammar to practise freely.Process and methods(过程与方法)a. to improve the ability of analyzing the sentence structureb. to deal with the exercisesEmotional attitudes and values(情感态度与价值观)a. 通过学习和总结方法策略,帮助学生解决做语法填空题,增强学生们备战高考的信心。b. 通过学案导学的教学模式,帮助学生感受主动学习和合作探究学习所获得的乐趣,培养英语学习的兴趣和自主性。Key Points and Difficult PointsKey points:(重点)Help students know the methods and techniques to fill in the blanks.Difficult points:(难点)Help students improve the ability of analyzing the sentence structure.教学策略教学方法:学案导学学法指导:合作学习、探究学习Teaching Procedures(教学流程)Teacher’s activity(what and how)Students’ activity(what and how, possible answers)Why(reasons and objectives)Step1创设情境激趣导入Lead-inAccording to the students’ marks, lead in the main topic of this class—— grammatical fillingListen to the teacher while looking at the exam result.明确地位和作用,引入本节课主题Step2明确目标有的放矢1. Present the statistics of grammatical filling within the recent 3 years to arouse the Ss’ learning enthusiasm.2. Show the exam outline and testing points to the Ss to make them understand the importance of the exam type in the NMET.According to the teacher’s instructions, try to remember the common testing contents.增强学生学习的目的性Step 3集体讨论聚焦问题Group work.Organize a discussion among the Ss to make them solve the given problems by working together. And then, ask the Ss to find the methods by themselves.1. Complete the exercises on the Ss’ pages.2. Summarize the methods of dealing with grammatical filling.合作性学习,在研讨中理解问题,解决问题Step 4提炼方法形成策略The teacher shares some strategies about grammatical filling with the Ss, which can give them a lot of help.(详见语法填空解题思维导图)Follow the teacher’s summary and explanation and try their best to remember them.总结方法策略,提高做题准确性Step 5限时训练学以致用Make the students do the grammatical filling again to improve their ability.Try their best to deal with the exercise well.检验学生对方法策略的掌握情况Step 6直击高考强化过关Finish the grammatical filling of 2015Finish doing the exercise in the limited time.适应高考增强信心Step7布置作业Complete the rest of the paper.Finish the homework by themselves.巩固本节课的复习内容

