届时,凯旋门将被2.5万平方米的银蓝色可回收聚丙烯织物和3000米的红绳包裹。 The Arc de Triomphe will be wrapped in 25,000 square meters of recyclable polypropylene fabric in silvery blue, and with 3,000 meters of red rope.
最终的艺术作品将于2021年9月18日至10月3日展出16天,随后于10月4日开始拆除。 The finalized work of art will be on view for 16 days from September 18 to October 3, 2021. Dismantling of the artwork will start on October 4.
从20世纪60年代初开始,克里斯托和让娜-克劳德探索如何改变物体和空间的感觉和意义。 Starting in the early 1960s, Christo and Jeanne-Claude explored ways to transform the feel and the meaning of objects and spaces.
《峡谷巨幕(1970-72)》 来源:Christo and Jeanne-Claude
《奔跑的栅栏(1972-76)》 来源:Christo and Jeanne-Claude
他们的作品除了给人带来直接的美学冲击以外,并无更多深意。他们的目的只是单纯追求快乐、美和用新的方式去看熟悉的事物。 Their projects contained no deeper meaning than their immediate aesthetic impact; their purpose being simply for joy, beauty, and new ways of seeing the familiar.
他们作品的特点是都很庞大、视觉上令人惊叹、充满争议,通常要耗费数年甚至数十年的精心准备,要解决的事情包括技术方案、政治协商、获得许可、环境允许、举行听证会和说服公众。 Their work was typically large, visually impressive, and controversial, often taking years and sometimes decades of careful preparation – including technical solutions, political negotiation, permitting and environmental approval, hearings and public persuasion.
这对艺术家拒绝任何补助、奖学金、捐款或动用公款,坚持通过售卖以前的作品来为自己的作品集资。 The pair refused grants, scholarships, donations or public money, instead financing the work via the sale of their own artwork.
“我们的作品之所以短暂存在,是为了赋予艺术作品一种被人看到的紧迫感,以及它们将不复存在的这一事实激发出的人们的爱与温柔。” “Our works are temporary in order to endow the works of art with a feeling of urgency to be seen, and the love and tenderness brought by the fact that they will not last.”
当克里斯托到达巴黎时,他在凯旋门附近租了一个小房间,从那以后他就被这座纪念碑深深吸引。1962年,他制作了一个凯旋门被包裹着的蒙太奇照片。1988年,他又制作了一幅拼贴画。60年后,这个项目将最终落地成为现实。 When he arrived in Paris, Christo rented a small room near the Arc de Triomphe and had been attracted by the monument ever since. In 1962, he made a photomontage of the Arc de Triomphe wrapped, seen from the Avenue Foch and, in 1988, a collage. 60 years later, the project will finally be concretized.
太阳从巴黎市中心升起后不久,第一批穿着橙色衣服、绑着绳索的技术人员登上凯旋门的顶部,开始顺着绳索下滑,展开一条条在晨光中闪闪发光的银蓝色织物。 Shortly after the sun rose over central Paris, the first of the orange-clad rope technicians hopped over the top of the Arc de Triomphe and began to abseil down the landmark unrolling a swathe of silvery blue fabric that shimmered in the early light.
随着越来越多的可回收材料和绑着绳索的技术人员出现在视野中,围观的人们对这个将艺术和工程结合在一起的大规模项目感到既兴奋感动,又有些许紧张。 As more rolls of recyclable material appeared along with more rope technicians, there was excitement, emotion and a few frayed nerves over an operation that combined art and engineering on a massive scale.
“非常重要的一点是,人们可以来参观凯旋门,并触摸到这些材料。这是一件有生命的、随风飘动的艺术品。” “One very important thing is that people can come and walk around the Arc de Triomphe and touch the material. It’s a work of art that is alive, moving with the wind.”
完成一件庞大、困难而复杂工程,可以不需要太多理由,单纯只是为了让世界变得更美丽。 Colossal, difficult, complicated schemes could be realized for no other reason than to make the world more beautiful. 完成作品所需投入的时间、工作量和资金,所有这些,在你见识到人类的创造能有多么宏伟的那一刻,就统统都被抛诸脑后了。 The amount of time that it takes to achieve the finished product—and how much work and investment is required—is inevitably forgotten when you get to see for a moment the sheer magnitude of what’s possible.
来源:abbs 中国日报双语新闻 卫报 大西洋月刊 维基百科
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