
澳大利亚检查船舶艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率5758.77%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码11104      Rescue boats缺陷描述Rescue boat engine failed to start缺陷照片

缺陷代码03105     Covers (hatchway-,  portable-, tarpaulins, etc.)缺陷描述Dog missing and rubber seal wasted on forecastle rope store  cover.缺陷照片

Dog  came adrift during function test. Rubber channel wasted缺陷代码07115      Fire-dampers缺陷描述Engine  room fire dampers No 1,2 and 4 defective.缺陷照片

香港检查船舶艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率1000%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码16105     Access control to ship缺陷描述PSCO ID not checked by crew when came on board俄罗斯检查船舶艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率1317.69%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码04103     Emergency,  lighting, batteries and switches缺陷描述Second means for starting emergency  D/G (hydraulic system) - out of order缺陷图片

中国检查船舶艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率13653.67%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码11122      Radio life-saving  appliances缺陷描述Wrist/neck strap of two-way  VHF missing缺陷照片

缺陷代码11101      Lifeboats缺陷描述The painters not connected  to P/S lifeboats.缺陷照片


