日课|英文故事:Sammy Seal​



Sammy Seal

Sammy Seal was afraid to swim. He sat on the rocks beside the ocean and watched the other seals swimming. They had a good time doing back flips and racing through the waves. “Come in, Sammy!” they cried. “The water is wonderful!”

Sammy shook his head sadly. “I'm fine here,” he said. “I'd rather stay on dry land.” Sammy didn't tell anyone the truth. He didn't know how to swim.

But one day, his friend Sue swam up to him. “I'm going to teach you how to swim,” she said. “Then, you can have fun with us.” Sue showed Sammy how to put one flipper into the water. “Now, put your head in the water,” she said.

Sammy put his flippers in the water. Then he put his head in the water. Suddenly, he fell in! For a moment, he was scared. And then he realized something wonderful. “Yeah, Sammy!”cried Sue. “You're swimming!”







  1. seal 海豹

  2. be afraid to 害怕;不敢

  3. ocean 大海;海洋

  4. have a good time 过得愉快;玩得开心

  5. back flip 后空翻

  6. race ‍(和…)比赛

  7. shook (shake的过去式)摇动;抖动

  8. 'd rather(=would rather) 宁愿;宁可

  9. have fun 玩得开心

  10. flipper 突然;忽然

  11. suddenly 在高处;向高处;高

  12. realize 认识到;意识到

Why is Sammy afraid to swim?
a. because he is a seal
b. because he has flippers
c. because the water is dirty
d. because he doesn’t know how

Now it's your time to open your mouth and follow me! 张开嘴巴跟着录音练起来!



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