印度疫情6月5日与十大新闻(印度向推特发出最后通牒;在全球分发的 20 亿剂新冠疫苗中约有 60% 仅流向了三个国家;)

印度德里首席部长Arvind Kejriwal宣布,封锁将继续,其他活动将更加放松。德里地铁将以50%的运力运营,而市场和商场将以单双号开放。
首席部长也在为第三次浪潮做准备,并准备了420吨的氧气储存能力。”我们还与有限生产150吨氧气的Indraprastha Gas进行了交谈。
果阿邦政府周六将宵禁延长至 6 月 14 日上午 7 点。
根据卫生部的数据,印度在过去 24 小时内报告了 1,20,529 例新增病例,1,97,894 例出院,3,380 例死亡


“特此向 Twitter Inc. 发出最后一次通知,要求立即遵守这些规则,否则,根据 2000 年 IT 法案第 79 条可获得的免责声明将被撤销,并且推特应根据 IT 法案和其他刑法条款对后果负责,“印度政府说。
Giving final notice to Twitter to comply with India’s new rules for social media companies, the Centre on Saturday said that that if the micro-blogging site fails to fails to follow the guidelines, they will face the “consequences as per the IT Act and other penal laws".
“Twitter Inc. is hereby given one last notice to immediately comply with the Rules, failing which the exemption from liability available under section 79 of the IT Act, 2000 shall stand withdrawn and Twitter shall be liable for consequences as per the IT Act and other penal laws of India," the government said. TOI
周六,推特从印度副总统文凯亚·奈杜(M Venkaiah Naidu)和RSS领袖莫汉·巴格瓦特(Mohan Bhagwat)的个人推特账户中撤销了蓝色验证徽章。虽然奈杜的账户在几个小时内就恢复了,但RSS发言人表示,这对Twitter来说不是一个好的举动。
Twitter on Saturday withdrew the blue verified badge from personal Twitter handles of Vice-President of India M Venkaiah Naidu and RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat. While it was restored on Naidu’s account within a few hours, an RSS spokesperson said it was not a good move on the part of Twitter. indianexpress
印度:科学与环境中心 (CSE) 在其周五发布的“流行病指南”中表示,与城市中心相比,农村地区受第二波新冠疫情的打击最严重,由于农村地区感染人数激增,印度在 5 月份的六天里占全球每日病例的一半以上。
作为其在世界环境日前夕发布的关于整体环境问题的新数据纲要的一部分,这些指标显示,上个月该国 53% 的新病例和 52% 的死亡发生在农村地区。
Rural areas were worst hit by the second wave of Covid-19 compared to urban centres and India accounted for over half of daily global cases for six days in May due to surge in infections in rural districts, said the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) in its 'pandemic pointers’ released on Friday.
As part of its new data compendium on overall environmental issues, released on the eve of the World Environment Day, the pointers show that 53% of new cases and 52% of deaths in the country last month were recorded in rural districts. TOI
一旦获得紧急使用批准(EUA),Biological E公司的新冠病毒重组蛋白疫苗Corbevax很可能成为印度市场上最便宜的疫苗。Corbevax预计将以低于500卢比的价格推出,不是一剂,而是两剂,甚至两剂的价格可能都低于400卢比。Biological E董事总经理玛希玛·达特拉早些时候在接受《印度时报》独家采访时暗示了这一点,他补充说,价格尚未敲定。
Biological E’s recombinant protein Covid-19 vaccine, Corbevax, could well emerge as the most affordable of vaccines in the Indian market once it gets emergency use approval (EUA).
Corbevax is slated to be rolled out at a sub-Rs 500 pricing, not for one dose but both the doses, and may even be priced below Rs 400 for two doses. Biological E managing director Mahima Datla had hinted at this in an exclusive interview to TOI earlier, adding the pricing was yet to be finalised. TOI
联合国:世界卫生组织的一位高级顾问说,到目前为止,在全球分发的 20 亿剂新冠疫苗中,约有 60% 仅流向了三个国家——美国、印度和中国。
“本周,我们将看到超过 20 亿剂……我们可能会超过 20 亿剂……就疫苗的剂量和实际开发的新疫苗而言,这是一个里程碑。这些现在已经分发到超过 212 个国家,”艾尔沃德说。
UNITED NATIONS: Of the two billion Covid-19 vaccine doses distributed globally till now, about 60 per cent have gone to just three countries - the US, India and China, a senior adviser at the World Health Organisation said.
Senior advisor to WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Bruce Aylward made the comments at a press briefing on Friday.
“This week, we will see over two billion doses… we will probably pass the two billion doses… landmark in terms of the number of doses of the vaccines and new Covid vaccines that have actually been developed. These have been distributed now in over 212 countries,” Aylward said. TOI
新德里:印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi) 周六表示,实现 20% 乙醇与汽油混合的目标日期已提前五年至 2025 年,以减少污染并减少进口依赖。
莫迪在世界环境日推出乙醇路线图时表示,将 20% 乙醇混合到汽油中的目标已从 2030 年提前到 2025 年。
去年,印度政府设定了到 2022 年在汽油中混合 10% 乙醇(10% 乙醇与 90% 柴油混合)和到 2030 年达到 20% 掺杂的目标。
NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the target date for achieving 20 per cent ethanol-blending with petrol has been advanced by five years to 2025 to cut pollution and reduce import dependence.
Ethanol extracted from sugarcane as well as damaged food grains such as wheat and broken rice and agriculture waste is less polluting and its use also provides farmers with an alternate source of income.
Speaking at the launch of the ethanol road map on the occasion of World Environment Day, Modi said the target for mixing 20 per cent ethanol in petrol has been brought forward from 2030 to 2025.
Last year, the government had set a target of reaching 10 per cent ethanol blending in petrol (10 per cent of ethanol mixed with 90 per cent of diesel) by 2022 and 20 per cent doping by 2030. TOI
纳兹·乔希(Naaz Joshi)是一名来自德里的跨性别女性,她在一个虚拟比赛中赢得了“女皇地球2021-22”的国际头衔。亚军是来自哥伦比亚的瓦伦蒂娜,亚军是来自墨西哥的奥利维亚。
Naaz Joshi, a Delhi-based transgender female, won the Empress Earth 2021-22 title, an international title in a virtual contest. The first runner-up was Valentina from Colombia and the second runner-up was Olivia from Mexico.
The contest which was to take place in Dubai on June 1, 2021, was cancelled due to the pandemic and on the advice of the contestants was held in virtual mode. In the online contest, more than 15 countries participated in Empress Earth 2021. The countries that entered the top five were Colombia, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, and India. indianexpress

巴西卫生监管机构 Anvisa 周五投票批准进口俄罗斯的 Sputnik V 和印度的 Covaxin COVID-19 疫苗,但对两者都有条件。
Brazilian health regulator Anvisa on Friday voted to approve imports of Russia’s Sputnik V and India’s Covaxin COVID-19 vaccines, but with conditions on both. indiaexpress
Google is updating its financial products and services policy, which will now rope in cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets, starting August 3, 2021. According to the new policy, crypto exchanges and wallets can ferry their services via Google advertisements.
However, the companies who qualify under these fields and choose to serve ads on Google will go through a number of clauses, failing which their advertisements won’t be cleared. The policy will be applicable across the world for any company, but the ads will remain valid only for those serving customers in USA.
New Delhi:With little over 3 per cent of its population fully vaccinated, India has firmly opposed the adoption of COVID-19 vaccine passports at the G7 meeting of health ministers on Friday, saying that such an initiative could prove to be "hugely discriminatory". NDTV