Global StandardWork Tenets
Monthly Standard Work Questions forStand-Ups
Read the tenet and ask one of the questionsbelow during your stand-up each week (SSPACER - Standard Work question). Some options forresponses are provided, though others may also apply. Give your associates timeto respond before answering for them (wait for longer than you feel that youneed to!).
仔细阅读标准作业准则并在每周的例会上提出下列中的一个问题(SSPACER – 标准作业问题)。在此提供一些回答选项,尽管也可以给出其它一些回答。在你替员工回答前,尽量给你的员工一些反应时间来回答问题(等待比你回答需要的时间更长一些的时间)。
Tenet1: Standard Work is safer, reduces defects, lowers cost, and enables invention.
a) Whatare some examples of how Standard Work makes our area safer?
1. Safelifting standards.
2. Respectfor 5S.
3. PITand pedestrian visual markings.
a) 能给出一些标准作业如何使我们的工作区域更安全的例子么?
1. 安全提升标准
2. 遵守5S
3. 电动地牛通道和人行道的可视化标识
b) Howdoes Standard Work help us reduce defects for our downstream customer?
1. Weall have the same definition of what quality is at our workstation and the samemethod of achieving that quality.
2. Andonshelps us immediately identify and sideline defects when they are detected.
3. Rapidfeedback helps each of us to know how we are performing to the quality standardso we can improve.
b) 标准作业是如何帮助我们减少对下游客户产生的缺陷?
1. 我们对工作站的质量要求都有相同的定义,并且对于达到质量要求有相同的方法
2. 当不良品被发现,安灯帮助我们立即将它们进行分辨并区分出来
3. 快速反馈帮助我们每个人知道我们正在怎样执行质量标准,从而可以进行改善
c) Howdoes Standard Work help us lower costs for our customer?
1. It’sthe simplest and most efficient way to produce high quality work.
2. Itreflects the best thinking of our team in removing waste and variation in theprocess.
c) 标准作业如何帮助我们降低对客户的成本?
1. 它是产生高质量工作最简单和最有效的方法
2. 它反映出我们团队在消除浪费和流程差异方面最好的思想
d) Howdoes Standard Work enable invention?
1. Byperforming work the same way every time, it makes the areas where we haveproblems very clear. Once the problems are identified, we can engage associates(you) to help solve the problem.
d) 标准作业如何提供创造
1. 通过每次用同样方法开展工作,使我们有问题的区域非常明显。一旦问题被识别出来,我们能够参与到员工(你们)里来帮助解决问题。
Tenet2:Standard Work requires total team commitment to consistent process discipline.
a) Howdo Process Guides and leadership make sure that every area is ready at thestart and end of shift?
1. Throughthe use of standardized checklists.
a) 生产辅导员和管理者如何确信每个区域在开班和结班时一切就绪?
b) Ifyou show up and your work station isn’t ready, what do you do?
1. Pullyour andon and wait for assistance. We want to know this happened so pleasehighlight the problem.
b) 如果你开始上班时,你的工作站没有准备好,你会做什么?
1. 触发安灯并等待帮助。我们想知道发生了问题,所以请突出和暴露问题。
c) Whydo support roles use Standard Work checklists throughout the day?
1. Tostandardize and simplify their work so that a stable and repeatable environmentis created.
2. Theyestablish the timing and habits that are needed to support our associates andour processes.
3. Repeatableleadership routines allow us to improve processes because problems can beattributed to a process rather than a person. If everyone is doing the samething in the same way and we don’t get the desired result, then any variationhas to be the process, not the person.
c) 为什么做支持岗位的员工要整天都要使用标准作业检查单?
1. 标准化和简化他们的工作从而创造一个稳定而可重复的工作环境
d) Whoare the people supporting you in support roles in this area today? If you don’tknow, where do you look to find out?
1. Startof shift staffing board.
d) 今天在这个区域谁在支持你的工作?如果你不知道的话你会到哪里去寻找?
Tenet3: Attack the process and engage your people in developing solutions. Asmanagers we should obsess over associates needs so they can obsess over thecustomer’s needs.
a) Whydo we ask about what barriers are getting in your way?
1. Sowe can help remove them.
2. Wecan learn in real time what they are.
3. Werecord this information so that we can identify patterns and prioritize whichproblems to develop countermeasures against.
a) 为什么我们要问在你们的工作中有什么阻碍?
1. 这样我们可以帮助消除这些阻碍
2. 我们可以实时了解阻碍都是什么
3. 我们记录这些信息以便我们能够识别问题类型并且排定问题优先次序来制定解决措施
b) Whenyou see a problem, what do you do? How do you pull andon (ask for help) in thisarea?
1. Responsesmay include lights, flags, buzzers, whistles, yelling etc.
b) 当你发现一个问题你会怎么做?你会怎样触发这个区域的安灯(寻求帮助)?
1. 回答可能包括亮灯,旗子,蜂鸣器,哨子,呼叫等。
c) Whyis your input so valuable in making the process better?
1. You’reon the shop floor executing the process which gives you detailed understandingof what’s working and what’s not.
c) 为什么你们的反馈在使流程变得更好方面很有价值?
1. 你在厂房里正在执行这些流程,你会对什么是可行的,什么是不可行的有详细的理解。
d) What’sthe purpose of the daily Gemba Walk?
1. Thepurpose of the Gemba Walk is to give leadership a way to engage associatesabout barriers they are encountering.
d) 每日现场巡检的目的是什么?
1. 现场巡检的目的是给管理者提供一个途径深入了解员工工作中正在遇到的障碍
Tenet4: Problems are treasures. People gladlysurface problems because we are committed to resolving them.
a) Why do we thinkproblems are treasures?
1. Without knowingwhat they are, we can’t improve the process.
a) 为什么我们认为问题是财富?
b) What happens when aproblem is hidden and we can’t see it?
1. Hidden problems,just like buried treasure, isn’t valuable. Only when the treasure is unburiedcan it be spent. Only when a problem is surfaced can it be addressed.
b) 当一个问题被隐藏起来而我们不能看到它会怎么样呢?
c) What are the waysyou can surface a problem?
1. Pulling the andon.
2. Sharing identifiedproblems with a process guide and/or a leader.
3. Gemba walks.
4. 5S audits.
5. FSI audits.
c) 你可以用什么方法来表现问题?
d) Can anyone name aproblem that we’ve found and resolved in this area?
1. Responses mayinclude: elimination of cherry picking, FIFO issues, others.
d) 有谁能指出一个在这个区域我们已经发现并已经得到解决的问题?
Tenet5: Create simple, repeatable, visual processes supported with rapid andonresponse.
a) Whatdo we do upstream to keep your process simple and defect free?
1. Tryto remove variation at the earliest part of the process.
a) 我们该在上游做什么来保持你们的流程简单而无缺陷?
b) Whydo we want to repeat a process the exact same way every time?
1. Tohighlight the abnormalities.
2. Sothat we are all using the most efficient process.
b) 为什么我们想每一次都用相同的方式重复一个过程
c) Whatis the standard andon response time?
1. 10seconds
d) What’sthe method for pulling an andon (asking for help) in your area?
1. Responsesmay include lights, flags, buzzers, whistles, yelling etc.
d) 在你的工作区域触发安灯(寻求帮助)的方法是什么?
1. 回答可能包括亮灯,旗子,蜂鸣器,哨子,呼叫等。
Tenet 6: Each process should have a rhythm ortakt time. Takt time should be based on the time required to process a standard,problem free unit of work (i.e. cart, tote, shipment).
a) Whatis takt?
1. StandardWork sequence, standard cycle time, and standard units.
a) 什么是节拍(takt)?
b) Whenwe miss takt, what does it mean?
1. Therewas a problem with the process.
b) 当我们未达到节拍意味着什么?
c) Whatis the follow-up process to a missed takt?
1. Aprocess guide will ask what barriers existed on that takt.
c) 对于未达到节拍接下来的处理流程是什么?
d) Howis it that we improve upon takt?
1. Byremoving barriers, defects, and inefficiencies in the process.
d) 我们如何基于节拍进行改善?
Tenet 7: Variation is the enemy of StandardWork. Eliminate variation at each step of the process. Work towards zerovariation by catching it at the earliest possible step in the process.
a) Whatforms of variation can be created by your process that could impact yourdownstream customer? What do you do to not pass variation downstream?
1. Responsesmay vary.
a) 你的工作流程中会产生什么样的差异影响到下游客户?你要怎样做才能不传递差异到下游?
b) Isit better to find variation at the beginning or at the end of a process?
1. It’sbetter to find variation at the beginning of a process. If variation is foundat the end, all the work that’s been done so far needs to get redone.
2. Minimizethe impact of the variation by identifying it as early in the process aspossible.
b) 在流程的前端找到差异更好还是在末端找到差异更好?
c) Whydo we want to attack variation rather than working around it?
1. Standard Work is the fastest, safest andhighest quality way to perform work. Variation is the opposite of this. Themore often we can perform the best method, the faster and the higher qualityproduct we can deliver to the customer.
c) 为什么我们要去解决差异而不是围绕着差异去工作
d) Whensources of variation come up on the Gemba Walk, what happens?
1. Simpleproblems with known answers should be addressed immediately (Just Do It).
2. Morecomplex problems are prioritized by senior leadership and will be addressedthrough a structured problem solving methodology (PDCA or Kaizen).
d) 当差异源在现场巡检中被提出,要怎么办呢?
1. 已知答案的简单问题应该被立即解决(立即去做)
Tenet8: A short list of eliminated problems is better than a long list of actionitems. Plan, Do, Check, Adjust to systematically eliminate the “Zombies.”
a) Whatare the different ways we use to surface problems?
1. Pullingthe andon.
2. Sharingidentified problems with a process guide and/or a leader.
3. Gembawalks.
4. 5Saudits.
5. FSIaudits.
a) 你可以用什么方法来表现问题?
b) Whatis the purpose of the Gemba Walk? How often should they happen?
1. Thepurpose of the Gemba Walk is to give support leadership a way to engageassociates about barriers they are encountering.
2. Theyshould be happening on every shift.
2. 每个班次都应该有
c) Whatdo the letters “P-D-C-A stand for?
1. Plan,Do, Check, Adjust.
d) Whydo we do PDCA?
1. Thisis the systematic problem solving method we use to attack complex problems andengage associates in developing counter measures.
d) 我们为什么要执行PDCA?
e) Whydo we call some problems “Zombies?”
1. Likezombies, some problems don’t want to die.
2. Weneed to find and attack the root cause of the problem in order to trulyeliminate it.
e) 为什么我们称有些问题为“僵尸”?
Tenet 9: Utilize” Doctor/Nurse” relationshipsto eliminate waste activities from the value add processes.
a) Whois the “doctor” and who is the “nurse” in our operation and why?
1. Theoperators are the “doctors” who are providing value to the customer in thedirect function (i.e., receivers, pickers, sowers, packers).
2. The“nurses” are support operators like water spiders and transporters and leadershiplike the process guide and GM. We need both in order to provide the most valueto the customer.
a) 在我们的操作当中谁是“医生”谁是“护士”,为什么?
b) Whoare the “nurses” on your shift today?
1. Responsesmay vary.
b) 你们今天的班上谁是“护士”?
c) Whyis the “Doctor/Nurse” relationship important in Standard Work?
1. Toensure that work which directly impacts the customer is not interrupted.
c) 为什么在标准作业中分配好“医生/护士”的关系很重要?
d) Wehave doctors and nurses. Who is the “patient?”
1. The“patient” is the customer, the next downstream process step , and/or thecompany.
Tenet 10: Monitor and minimize the size ofbuffers. Buffers increase defects and cost.
a) Whatis a buffer? Why do we use them?
1. Abuffer is a planned amount of work between two processes. It is used to absorbthe effects of variation that have not yet been eliminated.
2. Iftwo processes aren’t in sync, the buffer is used to absorb the difference.
a) 什么是缓冲区?我们为什么要使用它们?
b) Whatare some examples of buffers in your area? What are the buffer standards inyour area (min and max size)?
1. Responsesmay vary.
b) 有什么在你工作区域里的缓冲区的例子?缓冲区的标准是什么(最小/最大量)?
c) Whatneeds to happen to minimize the size of the buffers?
1. Variationhas to be decreased.
c) 需要做什么以尽量减小缓冲区的大小?
d) What’sthe difference between a buffer and a pile?
1. Abuffer is a planned and actively managed amount of work. A pile is created when there are exceptions tothe normal process path.
d) 缓冲区和堆积之间的区别是什么?
1. 缓冲区是一个有计划,有主动管理的工作量。而堆积是当有正常流程的例外时产生的
Tenet 11: Standard Work implementation beginswith leaders that demonstrate consistent commitment to process discipline andthese Tenets.
a) Whyis it necessary that Standard Work implementation begin with leaders?
1. We want to ensure leaders are leading byexample and modeling the right behavior.
2. It’sthe leader’s responsibility to set associates up for success.
b) Whatdoes consistent commitment to process discipline look like?
1.We know and follow all standards at all times.
2.We establish standards where they don’t currently exist in accordance with thetenets.
3.We support Standard Work by pulling the andon if something is out of standard.
c) Whatis leadership’s commitment to you to support Standard Work?
1. To perform arepeatable pattern of support to reduce variation and ambiguity (i.e,checklists, Gemba Walks, walk around management, andon support).
c) 管理层对于支持标准作业给到你的承诺是什么?
d) Whatshould you do if you see that there are misses in leadership Standard Work?
1.Bring it to the attention of leadership.
2.Use the Voice of the Associate board.
3.Talk to your PA.
4.Ask your PG to bring it up in the Gemba Walk.
d) 假如你看到在管理者的标准作业方面有欠缺,你应该怎么做?