Teaching the Improvement Kata THE COACHING KATA -Coaching Cycles
This chapter is about howto run a mentor/mentee process in your organization,tocoachpeopleintheimprovementkatamethod
The routine of the improvement kata isnʼt in her ently difficult,but it can be difficult to practice,because weʼre not used to it and default to the familiar.
As in sports and music, practicing as kill should be done under periodic observation and guidance of an experienced coach. Without coaching we lose our way and donʼt practice the right pattern,or practice ineffectively. Without coaching, a change in the learner's mindsetis unlikely to occur.
So thereis a need for a coaching kata to compliment the imrovement kata. Thatʼswhat coaching cycles are.
中国机械学会认证工业工程师,上海精益六西格玛委员会专家委员,亚马逊物流中国ACES项目经理,亚马逊认证六西格玛黑带(ASAT),艾默生电气认证 “Lean Champion",米其林轮胎认证“工业工程师”。在价值管理,流程设计与优化,精益六西格玛,精益数字化转型,精益供应链,精益仓储物流,精益服务业.在压缩交付周期,减少库存,提高生产效率等方面,拥有多年的卓越运营机制建设及企业绩效提升的实战经验。