Li-CO2电池作为CO2捕获和利用技术之一,在碳中和应用方面引起了特别的兴趣。然而,用于可逆Li2CO3形成和分解的低成本高效阴极催化剂的设计和制造仍然具有挑战性。在这里,在理论计算的指导下,CO2被用来激活传统掺氮石墨烯的催化活性,其中吡啶-N和吡咯-N的总含量很高(72.65%),并且在两种CO2还原中都有很高的催化活性和演化反应,从而激活Li2CO3形成和分解的可逆转化。因此,设计的阴极在1200 mA g-1下具有2.13 V的低电压间隙和长寿命循环稳定性,在500 mA g-1下循环170次后电压间隙小幅增加0.12 V。我们的工作提出了一种设计具有高活性的无金属催化剂的方法,可用于激活Li-CO2电池的性能。

Figure 1. CRR和CER催化活性的理论模拟。

Figure 2. (a-c) CA-NG/RGO、NG/RGO和NG的合成示意图。CA-NG/RGO、NG/RGO和NG的(d) XPS 光谱和 (e) 吡啶N、石墨N和吡咯N的原子含量。

Figure 3. CA-NG/RGO、NG/RGO和NG对Li-CO2电池的电化学性能。

Figure 4. Li-CO2电池中CA-NG/RGO正极的电化学反应机理。

Figure 5. Li-CO2电池中NG、NG/RGO和CA-NG/RGO正极的CRR和CER图示。
相关研究成果于2021年由清华大学的Xiaolong Zou、Guangmin Zhou和Hui-Ming Cheng课题组,发表在ACS Nano(https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.1c00756)上。原文:Engineering the Active Sites of Graphene Catalyst: From CO2 Activation to Activate Li-CO2 Batteries。

E-mail : xlzou@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn
Education and Work Experience
Aug. 2019 ~ present Associate Professor Shenzhen Geim Graphene Center, & Low-dimensional materials and devices lab, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua University
Jun. 2016 ~ Jul. 2019 Assistant Professor Shenzhen Geim Graphene Center, & Low-dimensional materials and devices lab, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua University
Aug. 2011~Jun. 2016 Postdoctoral Associate Department of Material Science and nanoEngineering, Rice University, Houston, USA Advisor: Prof. Boris. I. YakobsonProjects: Topological defects in two dimensional materials; catalytic properties of carbon nano materials
Sep. 2006 ~ Jul. 2011 Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Advisor: Prof. Wenhui Duan Projects: Electronic properties of 1D materials; thermal transport; molecular magnets
Jul, 2008 ~ Sep, 2008 and Sep, 2008 ~ Nov, 2008 Visiting Student Advisor: Prof. Jisoon Ihm, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Projects: Hydrogen storage in metal organic frameworks and covalent organic frameworks
Sep. 2002 ~ Jul. 2006 B.S. in PhysicsDepartment of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Research Interests
Coupled spin, valley and electronic phenomena in low dimension (LD); Theoretical simulations of defects in LD materials; Applications of combined advanced computations and machine learning in energy storage and conversion, in particular, the opto- and electro-catalytic systems.
Publication List
I have published more than 60 papers in peer-refereed journals, including2 Nature Materials, 1 Materials Today, 1 Accounts of Chemical Research, 4 Nature Communications, 7 Nano Letters, 8 ACS Nano, 4 Advanced Materials, 2 Advanced Functional Materials, 1 Chem. Mater. These papers have been cited by more than 6000 times with H index of 29. I have been invited to write book/chapter by several prestigious publishers, including Science Press, Cambridge University