213M 2月 20 20:59 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0000.bam
211M 2月 20 20:59 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0001.bam
213M 2月 20 20:59 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0002.bam
232M 2月 20 20:59 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0003.bam
242M 2月 20 21:00 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0004.bam
207M 2月 20 21:00 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0005.bam
208M 2月 20 21:00 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0006.bam
211M 2月 20 21:00 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0007.bam
216M 2月 20 21:00 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0008.bam
227M 2月 20 21:00 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0009.bam
206M 2月 20 21:00 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0010.bam
199M 2月 20 21:00 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0011.bam
202M 2月 20 21:00 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0012.bam
203M 2月 20 21:00 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0013.bam
207M 2月 20 21:01 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0014.bam
214M 2月 20 21:01 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0015.bam
193M 2月 20 21:01 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0016.bam
200M 2月 20 21:01 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0017.bam
206M 2月 20 21:01 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0018.bam
205M 2月 20 21:01 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0019.bam
229M 2月 20 21:01 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0020.bam
206M 2月 20 21:01 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0021.bam
210M 2月 20 21:01 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0022.bam
212M 2月 20 21:01 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0023.bam
218M 2月 20 21:02 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0024.bam
238M 2月 20 21:02 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0025.bam
210M 2月 20 21:02 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0026.bam
207M 2月 20 21:02 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0027.bam
209M 2月 20 21:02 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0028.bam
213M 2月 20 21:02 SRR10574404.hisat.bam.tmp.0029.bam
36G 2月 20 00:19 SRR10574404.hisat.sam
[E::sam_parse1] incomplete aux field
samtools sort: truncated file. Aborting
48793007 reads; of these:
48793007 (100.00%) were paired; of these:
6146709 (12.60%) aligned concordantly 0 times
39739427 (81.44%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time
2906871 (5.96%) aligned concordantly >1 times
6146709 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
377273 (6.14%) aligned discordantly 1 time
5769436 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
11538872 mates make up the pairs; of these:
7438164 (64.46%) aligned 0 times
3539899 (30.68%) aligned exactly 1 time
560809 (4.86%) aligned >1 times
92.38% overall alignment rate
nohup hisat2 -p 1 -x $indexPrefix -1 ${id}*_1_val_1.fq.gz -2 ${id}*_2_val_2.fq.gz -S ${id}.hisat.sam &
# sam文件转bam
ls *.sam|while read id ;do (nohup samtools sort -O bam -@ 2 -o $(basename ${id} ".sam").bam ${id} & );done
# 这个过程会输出大量中间文件
rm *.sam
# 为bam文件建立索引
ls *.bam |xargs -i samtools index {}
7.2G 2月 21 15:42 SRR10574404.hisat.bam
36G 2月 21 12:27 SRR10574404.hisat.sam