
Imaging of the urinary tract

If there is evidence of upper abdominal injury, and the patient has haematuria, an intravenous urogram is performed to exclude renal injury. This will also show whether there is any ureteric or major bladder damage. In a case of urethral rupture, the base of the bladder may be riding high (dislocated prostate) or there may be a teardrop deformity of the bladder owing to compression by blood and extravasated urine (prostate-in-situ).

When a urethral injury is considered likely, an urethrogram should be undertaken using 25–30ml of water-soluble contrast agent with suitable aseptic technique. A film must be taken during injection of the contrast agent to ensure that the urethra is fully distended. This technique will confirm a urethral tear and will show whether it is complete or incomplete.

In a patient with possible rupture of the bladder (so long as there is no evidence of a urethral injury) a cystogram should be performed.

Types of injury

Injuries of the pelvis fall into four groups: (1) isolated

fractures with an intact pelvic ring; (2) fractures with a broken ring – these may be stable or unstable; (3) fractures of the acetabulum – although these are ring fractures, involvement of the joint raises special problems and therefore they are considered separately; and (4) sacrococcygeal fractures.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


haematuria /,hi:mə'tjuəriə, ,hem-/n. 血尿;血尿症

intravenous urogram静脉尿路造影照片

ureteric   adj. 输尿管的

extravasated /ik'strævəˌset/v. (使液体,尤指血液)外渗;(血液、淋巴液等)外渗(extravasate 的过去式及过去分词)


water-soluble contrast agent水溶性造影剂

urethra  /jʊˈriːθrə/n. [解剖] 尿道


acetabulum  /ˌæsəˈtæbjʊləm/n. [解剖] 髋臼;[无脊椎] 吸盘;关节窝







