


How to Choosea Data Center for Your Business in 2021

by Devin Partida | Nov 18, 2020 | Blog


Businessdecision-makers have always needed to assess various factors when selecting adata center. However, the stakes are arguably even higher in 2021.

What’s Different About 2021?


With so many companieshaving their teams work online due to the threat of COVID-19, more businessesneed data center infrastructures that can handle this change. The industry wasnot wholly unaffected by the novel coronavirus, but the fact that it offersin-demand services puts it in a better position than many other sectors.


Analysts atGartner predicted a 6% growth in worldwide data center infrastructurespending for 2021 compared to this year’s numbers. That figure does not make upfor the 10.3% decrease suffered in 2020, but it shows why data centers willlikely experience a faster-than-average rebound from the downturn.


Similarly, whenexperts at IDC Group made their top 10 IT industry predictions for the next fewyears, it made sense why data centers will remain prominent. For example, theirreport showed that by the end of 2021, 80% of enterprise leaders would shift tocloud-based infrastructure and applications twice as fast as they did beforethe pandemic.

IDC集团负责全球研究的副总裁里克·维拉斯(Rick Villars)对即将到来的一些变化发表了看法。“新冠肺炎疫情突发,在日益数字化的经济中,快速适应和应对意外/可预见的业务中断的能力,将是成功的更明确决定因素。”

Rick Villars,the company’s vice president of worldwide research, weighed in on some of thechanges to come. “The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted that the ability to rapidlyadapt and respond to unplanned/foreseen business disruptions will be a clearerdeterminer of success in our increasingly digitalized economy.


“A largepercentage of a future enterprise’s revenue depends upon the responsiveness,scalability and resiliency of its infrastructure, applications and dataresources,” Villars continued. Given these trends and reminders, there’s a goodchance that people will have to select data centers for their businesses in2021. Here are some vital things to consider when doingit.

The Location Can Make a Difference



The location ofa data center compared to where most of its customers reside can make adifference in service delivery speed. For example, even if a data center hasample bandwidth, information takes time to travel. People tend to forget thatreality in this era, when many expect pages to load in a few seconds and getfrustrated if that does not happen.


Latency goesdown as the distance between a data center and thepeople accessing the internet content shrinks. The location matters in otherways, too. For example, the labor pool, local infrastructure, and connectivityoptions could differ depending on where a data center operates. Those aspectscould influence its performance and attractiveness to clients.

Uptime Guarantees Encourage Confidence


People taskedwith selecting a data center should also verify the guaranteed uptimepercentage associated with the provider. This represents the reliability aperson should expect from the company.


There are fourdata center uptime tiers. They range from 99.671% to 99.995% in averageuptimes. Business representatives should take the time to consider the best onefor their company’s needs. Moreover, they should keep in mind that there is aset of criteria associated with each level. Those characteristics relate tothings like engine generators and energy storage devices that help facilitiesstay operational during disasters.

Security and Compliance Matter



With events likecybersecurity breaches and fines for noncompliance making the headlines,today’s leaders are more concerned about ensuring that chosen data centerproviders will align with a client’s security and compliance requirements.


Company leadersshould not place the full responsibilities for those things with their datacenter providers, but they need to check that the facility is well-equipped tosupport them.


A 2020 survey ofIT decision-makers investigated what factors mattered most to them whenevaluating third-party edge data centers’ suitability. The results showedthat 58% of respondents selected securityand compliance as among their top considerations.

The Scalability Potential Is Worth Scrutiny


People shouldalso determine a data center provider’s readiness to assist them if theircompanies need to scale up to meet increasing demand. For example, does thedata center have equipment that clients can rent before investing in morehardware? How easy is it for a customer to switch to a different pricing tierthat offers more services?


Consider howmergers and acquisitions could affect a data center brand’s ability to scale,as well. Information from Research and Markets showed that these activitiescontinued occurring during the pandemic. More specifically, 28 such data center-related deals happenedin 2020, resulting in approximately $15 billion in total valuation.

Careful Considerations Cause More Favorable Outcomes



These factorsare valid starting points for people to consider, whether they’re deciding torely on data center providers for the first time or start using new services.Making smart choices requires devoting enough time for evaluating the options.


A data centerfacility that is well-matched to client needs will help that enterprise thrive.However, making a decision haphazardly and not considering all thepossibilities could have detrimental effects on an organization.



upsite《How to Choose a Data Center for Your Business in 2021》 中文翻译:林宇

