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Rotational stability can be tested in several ways:
Modified drawer test
The anterior drawer test is performed with the tibia in 30 degrees of internal rotation; if positive, it suggests anterolateral rotatory instability. Likewise, a positive drawer sign with the knee in external rotation (about 15 degrees) suggests anteromedial rotatory instability (Slocum and Larson, 1968).
Dial test
The leg is dangled over the edge of the couch. The examiner steadies the distal femur with one hand and holds the heel firmly in the other. The knee is flexed at 30 degrees. External rotation is applied through the heel and the position of the tibial tuberosity is noted. If external rotation is greater by 15 degrees as compared to the other side, a posterolateral corner injury is suspected. If the test is repeated with the knee flexed further to 90 degrees and the external rotation is noted to increase, a posterior cruciate injury is likely too (LaPrade and Wentorf, 2002).
Pivot shift test
The examiner supports the knee in extension with the tibia internally rotated (the subluxed position – the lateral tibial condyle is drawn in front of the femoral condyle); the knee is then gradually flexed while a valgus stress is applied. In a positive test, as the knee reaches 20 or 30 degrees, there is a sudden jerk as the tibial condyle slips backwards and reduces. The valgus stress compresses the lateral femoral condyle against the tibia and, through a jamming effect, amplifies the sudden ‘jerk’ when the condyle drops back. Another way to show this is MacIntosh’s test (Fig. 30.8). A positive pivot shift test indicates anterolateral rotatory instability. A modification of this test can be used to diagnose posterolateral rotatory instability; the tibia is held in external rotation while the knee is extended and, similarly, a valgus stress is applied as the knee is gradually flexed – a characteristic ‘clunk’ signals the change from a subluxed to a reduced position (the reverse pivot shift).

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》
Likewise /?la?kwa?z/adv. 同样地;也
dangle /ˈdæŋɡl/v. (使)摇晃地悬挂着;提着;炫示;用……来
jerk/dʒɜːrk/n. 急拉;猛的一动;肌肉抽搐;蠢人
jamming effect阻滞效应
jam /dʒæm/n. 果酱;拥挤;困境;扣篮vt. 使堵塞;挤进,使塞满;混杂;压碎