与老板谈判的五大要点 Top 5 Tips To Negotiate With Your Boss
Top 5 Tips To Negotiate With Your Boss
Negotiation is everywhere.
当说起谈判技巧时,我们往往倾向于把重点放在与客户,供应商和合作伙伴的谈判上。 然而,工作场所中最具挑战性的谈判类型之一就是你必须和老板谈判。
When it comes to the negotiation skills, we may tend to focus on negotiations with the clients, suppliers, and partners.
In fact, this is a wrong direction.
I have mentioned it before. As a salesperson, the negotiation exists not only between you and your clients but also between you and your boss.
Why salespeople have to negotiate with their bosses?
Coz the confirmation of the orders is not reached only by yourself, but also by the great support from your boss.
For example, your clients ask discount or require to use other payment terms, you may fail in negotiation with your clients if the boss doesn't give you any support in these aspects.
Here I listed 5 tips for your reference.
1.) 准备好谈判。
Be well prepared for the negotiation.
Never go talk with your boss without any considerations. You've got to think it over carefully and get what you wanna say listed in your mind.
2.) 控制好自己的情绪。
Get your emotions controlled.
Be clear that you are the worker, not the boss. You should keep words polite and not try to offend your boss.
3.) 坦然面对事实,明确自己的位置。
Face the fact and find your own position.
Many people tend to lose their temper at their bosses at random.
You have to understand that it’s meaningless to hire you with money if they know everything.
4.) 设身处地,想老板之所想。
Put yourself in your boss's shoes.
Sometimes, our considerations are just not correct enough, which drive us far away from the difficulties that our bosses face with.
If the bosses can see the benefits you list, it will be much easier for them to accept your proposals.
For instance, your boss doesn't wanna accept this order as the quantity is too small, and the profit is limited.
You can tell your boss that this is a very good client and we can develop him as our long-term business partner, so it's better if we can confirm the first order now.
5.) 想清楚自己要得到的东西和自己的底线。
Make sure that you understand what you want and stay with your bottom line.
Don't do anything just for getting an order.
For instance, some disgusting companies arrange their employees to stay with the clients at hotels.
For instance, some companies deliver their customers water or stones to cheap their money.
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