“双十一"开抢在即 全球期待新纪录诞生
背景音乐:梁邦彦 - The tower of eternity

This Saturday, the Chinese e-commerce giant will hold its annual Singles Day event, which last year grossed a whopping $17.8 billion in sales, up from $14.3 billion in 2015.
To put those sales figures into perspective, Singles Day has surpassed the transaction volume for America's Black Friday and Cyber Monday events combined, according to Fung Global Retail & Technology.
It’s that time of the year again. China’s – and the world’s – biggest online shopping event is about to take place on 11 November. Known as Singles' Day, Alibaba and its founder, Jack Ma, transformed the de facto holiday from an ‘anti-Valentine's Day’ for Chinese singletons to a global shopping festival back in 2009 – and made billions of dollars in the process.
The Independent/独立报:
Many retailers and their customers are gearing up for the annual shopping bonanza that is Black Friday on 24 November. The huge number of discounts have become a fixture in the UK since the US phenomenon caught on here a few years ago.
But now there’s a shopping event you may not have heard of that dwarfs Black Friday. It’s called Singles’ Day and it’s happening this Saturday 11 November. Last year’s event accounted for several times the amount of sales made on Black Friday and this year it’s predicted to be bigger than ever.

gross 获得…收入
whopping 庞大的
de facto 实际上的
singleton 单身人士
gear up 为…准备
bonanza 鸿运
fixture 固定装置
catch on 流行起来
dwarf 使…显得矮小

【听】 用讲究的方法,其实可以不费力地“听懂”
【说】 不是练嘴皮,让画面和情境“触发”说英文
【读】 阅读是信息量的最大来源,单词无需死记硬背
【写】 语法究竟为何物?如何轻松攻破?
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