7.2. Global Switch Data Centre, a six-storey project in Woodlands, Singapore
7.2. 全球交换数据中心,一个位于新加坡伍德兰的六层楼高的项目
7.2.1 Motivation for adopting prefabricated MEP modules
7.2.1 采用预制MEP模块的动机
The data centre project involved extensive and complex MEP systems. In order to meet the high quality standards required by Global Switch as well as a tight project schedule, prefabricated MEP modules were used for this project as the conventional way of MEP system construction could not meet these requirements.
数据中心项目涉及广泛而复杂的MEP系统。为了满足Global Switch对高质量的要求和紧凑的项目进度,本项目采用了预制的MEP模块,传统的MEP系统建设方式无法满足这些要求。
The prefabricated MEP systems not only improved the quality of the finished product, but also increased on-site trade productivity by up to 70%.

Figure 19 (Right): Workers on site connecting the services between modules through the working access space provided within the module. (Photograph courtesy of Gammon Pte. Limited)
图19(右):现场工人通过模块内提供的工作访问空间连接模块之间的服务。(照片由Gammon Pte. Limited提供)

Figure 20: Modules pre-assembled in the factory
1) Plant module 厂房模块
2) Corridor horizontal module 走廊水平模块
3) Vertical riser module垂直立管模块
(Photograph courtesy of Gammon Pte. Limited)
(照片由Gammon Pte. Limited提供)
In the project, Gammon Pte. Limited is the main contractor, MEP module prefabricator and MEP subcontractor for most services.