【口琴汇--品牌音乐汇】C.A. SEYDEL SÖHNE之4

Beginnings- around 1847
In the 17th century the Seydel family were miners in Sachsenberg-Georgenthal / Saxony.
When mining was discontinued in Saxony Vogtland, the brothers Johann Christian Seydeland Christian August Seydel began working as instrument makers.
Both subsequently became approved harmonica makers. This was decreed by the court of Untersachsenberg on October 27th, 1847.
The certificate contains the first documented reference to the company, with Christian August Seydel being registered as the company founder.
The factory was established in Klingenthal at the foot of the famous 'Aschberg' (literally 'Ash Mountain’) and was to become one of the biggest harmonica factories in the whole of Saxony.
In 1882 C.A. Seydel died and his son Richard took over.
One year later his brother Moritz joined them and from that day the company was named 'C.A.Seydel Söhne'. (C.A. Seydel and Sons).
在17世纪,Seydel家族是Sachsenberg-Georgenthal /萨克森州的矿工。
当萨克森·沃格特兰停止采矿时,约翰·克里斯蒂安·塞德尔(Johann Christian Seydel)和克里斯蒂安·奥古斯特·塞德尔(Christian August Seydel)兄弟开始从事乐器制造工作。
该证书包含对公司的第一份书面证明,克里斯蒂安·奥古斯特·塞德尔(Christian August Seydel)已注册为公司创始人。
该工厂在著名的“ Aschberg”(字面为“ Ash Mountain”)脚下的克林根塔尔成立,并将成为整个萨克森州最大的口琴工厂之一。
1882年 赛德尔(Seydel)死了,他的儿子理查德(Richard)接管了他。
一年后,他的兄弟莫里茨(Moritz)加入了他们,从那天起,公司更名为“ C.A. SeydelSöhne”。(C.A. Seydel and Sons)。

1880 to 1914
From 1880 to World War 1 - Seydel allover the world.
Early in the 1870s C.A. Seydel made some connections to North America, which were strengthened by his sons Richard and Moritz.
By the 1890s, Seydel harmonicas were being sold around the world.”
King Billy
was an advertising character , that should express an Australian aborigenee.
It was used up to the 1920ties.
It's very interesting, how asthetical imaginations chnage during the centuries.
With a character like this one nobody would be able to raise his sales anymore.
First harmonica orchestras
started to develop, however in company with other instruments.
The bass- and chordharmonicas were developed recently later to set up a complete orchestra.
在1870年代初期 塞德尔(Seydel)与北美洲建立了一些联系,他的儿子理查德(Richard)和莫里兹(Moritz)加强了联系。