政观快递 | American Political Science Review No.1, 2020(中)
期刊简介:《美国政治学评论》(American Political Science Review)是美国政治学会(American Political Science Association)旗下最知名的季刊。自1906年创刊并由剑桥大学出版社出版以来,逐步成为政治学最具权威性的期刊之一。内容涉及政治学理论、美国政治、公共政策、公共管理、比较政治、国际关系等。根据Journal Citation Reports显示,其2018年的影响因子为3.895,在176种政治科学类期刊中位列第7位(7/176)。

7. 重构移民政治:瓦尔特·本雅明、暴力和劳工
8. 沙特的镇压为何没能平息网上的反对声音?
9. 经济援助能在战时形塑民众对战斗的支持吗?来自阿富汗的实验证据
10. 对于司法权力的公众支持与谁掌握政治权力有关吗?对非洲党派联盟理论
11. 以地区为基础的民主政权内部党派公平性的理论基础和实证检验

题目:Reconceiving Immigration Politics: Walter Benjamin, Violence, and Labor
作者简介:Inés Valdez,俄亥俄州立大学政治学系副教授
摘要: 本文将在移民和劳工中的暴力循环理论化。通过对瓦尔特·本雅明的分析,作者将种族暴力和法律之间的关系概念化,并且指出尽管暴力能够支撑法律的权威,但是过度暴力会使法律变得易于腐朽。人道主义缓解了权威和过度暴力之间的这种张力。作者在本雅明提出的“例外状态”和“总罢工”两个概念中找到了打破这种循环的线索。这两个概念提出的间隔达二十年,都被用于研究劳工和其他边缘群体如何威胁由暴力支持的法律的稳定性。这种重构与对当代美国移民执法制度的研究同时进行,该制度将拘留和驱逐出境中的过度暴力与微弱的人道主义调整结合,这一调整使暴力最终合法化。在破坏性方面,对伊莫卡利工人联盟的劳工运动的本雅明式解读提供了解放政治的三个维度:(1)拒绝(参与关于移民问题的辩论)的行动,(2)构建(法律中有关劳工种族管制的)历史事件,(3)“上帝的暴力”(通过揭露食品生产链中的合法暴力)。
This article theorizes the circulation of violence in the realms of immigration and labor. Through Walter Benjamin, I conceptualize the relationship between racial violence and law, and note that although violence can support the authority of law, excessive violence makes law vulnerable to decay. This tension between authority and excess is eased by humanitarianism. I find clues for disrupting this circulation in Benjamin’s twin notions of the real state of exception and the general strike, introduced two decades apart and invested in theorizing how labor and other marginalized groups threaten the stability of law supported by violence. This reconstruction proceeds alongside an examination of the contemporary US regime of immigration enforcement, which combines the excessive violence of detention and deportation with marginal humanitarian adjustments, which ultimately legitimate violence. On the disruptive side, a Benjaminian reading of labor activism by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers offers three dimensions of emancipatory politics: (a) practices of refusal (to engage on the terms of the immigration debate), (b) the establishment of historical constellations (of racial regulation of labor constitutive of law), and (c) divine violence (through exposure of lawful violence in the food production chain).
题目:How Saudi Crackdowns Fail to Silence Online Dissent
作者:Jennifer Pan(潘婕),斯坦福大学传播学系助理教授;Alexandra A. Siegel,斯坦福大学移民政策实验室博士后研究员
Saudi Arabia has imprisoned and tortured activists, religious leaders, and journalists for voicing dissent online. This reflects a growing worldwide trend in the use of physical repression to censor online speech. In this paper, we systematically examine the consequences of imprisoning well-known Saudis for online dissent by analyzing over 300 million tweets as well as detailed Google search data from 2010 to 2017 using automated text analysis and crowd-sourced human evaluation of content. We find that repression deterred imprisoned Saudis from continuing to dissent online. However, it did not suppress dissent overall. Twitter followers of the imprisoned Saudis engaged in more online dissent, including criticizing the ruling family and calling for regime change. Repression drew public attention to arrested Saudis and their causes, and other prominent figures in Saudi Arabia were not deterred by the repression of their peers and continued to dissent online.
题目:Can Economic Assistance Shape Combatant Support in Wartime? Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan
作者:Jason Lyall, 达特茅斯学院政府系副教授;Yang-Yang Zhou,英属哥伦比亚大学政治学系助理教授;Kosuke Imai(今井耕介),哈佛大学政府系和统计系教授
Governments, militaries, and aid organizations all rely on economic interventions to shape civilian attitudes toward combatants during wartime. We have, however, little individual-level evidence that these “hearts and minds” programs actually influence combatant support. We address this problem by conducting a factorial randomized control trial of two common interventions—vocational training and cash transfers—on combatant support among 2,597 at-risk youth in Kandahar, Afghanistan. We find that training only improved economic livelihoods modestly and had little effect on combatant support. Cash failed to lift incomes, producing a boom-and-bust dynamic in which pro-government sentiment initially spiked and then quickly reversed itself, leaving a residue of increased Taliban support. Conditional on training, cash failed to improve beneficiaries’ livelihoods but did increase support for the Afghan government for at least eight months after the intervention. These findings suggest that aid affects attitudes by providing information about government resolve and competence rather than by improving economic livelihoods.
题目:Does Public Support for Judicial Power Depend on Who is in Political Power? Testing a Theory of Partisan Alignment in Africa
作者:Brandon L. Bartels, 乔治华盛顿大学政治学系副教授;Eric Kramon,乔治华盛顿大学政治学系助理教授
Judicial power is central to democratic consolidation and the rule of law. Public support is critical for establishing and protecting it. Conventional wisdom holds that this support is rooted in apolitical factors and not dependent on who is in political power. By contrast, we argue that support may be driven by instrumental partisan motivations and therefore linked to partisan alignment with the executive. We test the argument with survey evidence from 34 African countries. To provide causal evidence, we conduct difference-in-differences analyses leveraging Ghana’s three presidential transitions since 2000. Across Africa, support for judicial power is high, while trust in courts is lower. However, presidential co-partisans are less supportive of horizontal judicial power over the president and more supportive of vertical power over the people. The article demonstrates the importance of partisan alignment with the executive in shaping support for judicial power, with implications for judicial behavior and legitimacy.
题目:Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Evaluations of Partisan Fairness in District-Based Democracies
作者:Jonathan N. Katz,加州理工大学社会科学和统计教授;Gary King,哈佛大学政府系教授,哈佛大学量化社会科学中心主任;Elizabeth Rosenblatt,哈佛大学量化社会科学中心研究人员
We clarify the theoretical foundations of partisan fairness standards for district-based democratic electoral systems, including essential assumptions and definitions not previously recognized, formalized, or in some cases even discussed. We also offer extensive empirical evidence for assumptions with observable implications. We cover partisan symmetry, the most commonly accepted fairness standard, and other perspectives. Throughout, we follow a fundamental principle of statistical inference too often ignored in this literature—defining the quantity of interest separately so its measures can be proven wrong, evaluated, and improved. This enables us to prove which of the many newly proposed fairness measures are statistically appropriate and which are biased, limited, or not measures of the theoretical quantity they seek to estimate at all. Because real-world redistricting and gerrymandering involve complicated politics with numerous participants and conflicting goals, measures biased for partisan fairness sometimes still provide useful descriptions of other aspects of electoral systems.