TE精读| letters


今天选择了其中的两篇来阅读,分别是gender preference和free speech in Qatar.

gender preference

The Free exchange on social norms was muddled (February 8th). Apparently gender earnings disparities persist but (and this seems to disturb you) they may partly reflect different preferences by men and women. But look, the column says, preferences too can be changed; they are “socially determined".

Why should policymakers, never mind economists, want to change these preferences? What, exactly, is wrong with women tending to prefer children and home and men preferring work and career? Economists laud division of labour in other businesses, why not in the family also? Just what principle lies behind the idea that men and women should have identical preferences?


Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Duke University

Durham, North Carolina

Gender preference性别偏向

social norms:社会规范

muddled   adjective  /ˈmʌd.əld/

badly organized or confusing


a muddled legal situation


Disparity   noun /dɪˈspær.ə.ti/ 不平等;(不公平的)差异

a lack of equality or similarity, especially in a way that is not fair

the growing disparity between rich and poor


persist  verb /pəˈsɪst/

If an unpleasant feeling or situation persists, it continues to exist.   持续;存留

If the pain persists, consult a doctor.


The cold weather is set to persist throughout the week.


column noun  /ˈkɒl.əm/

a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine, usually on a particular subject, that is always written by the same person and appears regularly(报纸、杂志上的)栏目,专栏

Laud :verb /lɔːd/

to praise


The German leadership lauded the Russian initiative.


division of labour: 社会分工

Identical: adjective  /aɪˈden.tɪ.kəl/

exactly the same, or very similar



free speech in Qatar.

Your article on Qatar did not reflect the reality of freedom of expression in the country and a law that has been amended to prevent the spread of false and malicious information (“Tamim the gloriously tolerant”, February 15th). Similar legislation exists in many democratic countries. In France a law was introduced in 2018 to tackle the manipulation of information and its deliberate dissemination. As the target of sustained state-sponsored disinformation campaigns, “deep fakes” and cyberattacks, Qatar understands the Dangers of information manipulation better than anyone. In line with the UN’s covenant on civil and political rights, to which Qatar is fully committed, this amendment was passed as a protection against major, co-ordinated hacking and disinformation operations trying to fracture the region. It is not open to abuse and will not limit expression, speech or reporting in or about Qatar.

No country has done more than Qatar to improve media freedom in the region. The debate on this amendment from within Qatar itself, including from local media and social-media users, demonstrates that individuals and platforms can criticize a law without consequence.


Deputy director

Government Communications Office

Doha, Qatar

Qatar  [kæˈtɑː]    n.    卡塔尔国

Amend:verb /əˈmend/

to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document



Malicious: adjective  /məˈlɪʃ.əs/

intended to harm or upset other people


malicious gossip


Legislation: noun /ˌledʒ.ɪˈsleɪ.ʃən/

a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament 法律;立法

Tackle: verb/ˈtæk.əl/

to try to deal with something or someone


There are many ways of tackling this problem.


Manipulation: noun /məˌnɪp.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/

controlling someone or something to your own advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly


There's been so much media manipulation of the facts that nobody knows the truth of the matter.


Dissemination: noun /dɪˌsem.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/

the act of spreading news, information, ideas, etc. to a lot of people:散播

the dissemination of information

sustained:adjective /səˈsteɪnd/

continuing for a long time


Disinformation: noun /ˌdɪs.ɪn.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən/

false information spread in order to deceive people


cyberattack noun   /ˈsaɪ.bə.rəˌtæk/

an illegal attempt to harm someone's computer system or the information on it, using the internet


Fracture: verb  /ˈfræk.tʃər/

to divide an organization or society, or (of an organization or society) to be divided





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