
ARRL Asks FCC for “Minimal but Necessary Changes” to Correct Reapportioning Error


The ARRL has petitioned the FCC to fix a “shortfall in available RTTY/data spectrum” the regulator created when it reapportioned 80 and 75 meters in 2006. The League’s January 8 Petition for Rule Making asks the FCC to shift the boundary between the 80 meter RTTY/data subband and the 75 meter phone/image subband from 3600 kHz to 3650 kHz. The ARRL’s Petition points out that the proposed change has received strong support from the ARRL membership and was adopted as policy by the League’s Board of Directors in July 2015. At that time the Board also agreed to seek RTTY and data privileges for Technician and Novice licensees within the portion of the 15 meter band where they now may operate CW and to do the same on 80 meters, contingent upon the 80/75 meter subband revision.

ARRL向联邦通讯委员会(FCC)提出一项申请用来解决在2006年由监管机构在重新分配80米和75米波段时建立的“可用的RTTY /数据频谱短缺”的问题。

ARRL联盟在1月8日制定规则请求FCC改变频段边界,这包含80米RTTY /数据频段和75米电话/图像频段由3600千赫调整到3650千赫。ARRL的修改申请指出:拟议中的改变项目已经获得ARRL成员的大力支持并于2015年7月被ARRL联盟的董事会采用。当时董事会还同意为技术员和新手在部分15米波段寻求RTTY和数据权限许可,视80/75米部分波段修订情况,他们可以在15米段操作CW并在80米段进行同样的操作。

Specifically, the petition asks the FCC to make the following changes, with regard to 80/75 meters:


  • Modify the 80 meter RTTY/data subband, so that it extends from 3500 kHz to 3650 kHz.

  • 修正80米段RTTY/数据子带,从3500 kHz 延伸到 3650 kHz。

  • Modify the 75 meter phone/image subband, so that it extends from 3650 kHz to 4000 kHz.

  • 修正75米段话音和图像子带,从 3650 kHz 延伸到4000 kHz。

  • Make 3600-3650 kHz available for General and Advanced Class licensees, as was the case prior to 2006.

  • 使普通和高等级电台执照的持有人可以使用3600-3650 kHz,就像2006年之前的情况一样。

  • Make 3600-3650 kHz available to Novice and Technician licensees for telegraphy — consistent with existing rules permitting Novices and Technicians to use telegraphy in the General and Advanced RTTY/data subbands on 80, 40, and 15 Meters.

  • 使新手和和技术执照的持有人可以使用 3600-3650 kHz的电报业务。符合允许新手和技术人员在在80米,40米,15米的普通和高级RTTY /数据子带使用电报的现有的规则。

  • Modify the rules governing automatically controlled digital stations (ACDS), to shift the 80 meter ACDS segment from 3585-3600 kHz to 3600-3615 kHz, consistent with the IARU Region 1 and 2 band plans.

  • 修改自动控制数字电台(ACDC)规则,将80米段的ACDC分配从3585-3600 kHz调整到 3600-3615 kHz,符合国际业余无线电爱好者联合会(IARU)制定的区域1和2的波段规划。




