在英语中跟时间有关的习语很多,有的本身没有包含单词 time,例如 against the clock,light years away,kick the can down the road 和 in the blink of an eye 等等,有的表示时间飞逝,有的表示漫长的时间,例如:
against the clock 争分夺秒:
I was racing against the clock, but I finished the test just before the bell.
We left later than we were supposed to, so it was a race against the clock to get to the airport on time.我们出发得比预计的要晚,所以要准时到达机场是一场争分夺秒的比赛。Full employment still seems light years away.A solution to this problem is still light years away.kick the can down the road 拖拖拉拉:It looks as though congress is going to kick the can down the road again on the debt ceiling issue, but they'll have to find a lasting solution eventually.看来国会将在债务上限问题上再次拖延,但他们最终必须找到一个持久的解决方案。I don't think we should kick the can down the road and let our grandkids solve that problem.in the blink of an eye 一眨眼功夫:In the blink of an eye, he was gone.Almost in the blinking of an eye, everything we owned had gone for ever.
时间虽然对于任何人都是一样的,但是对于合理和充分利用时间的人来说,时间就是“黄金时光”,用地道的英语表达是 quality time,其中 quality 是形容词,意为“优质的,高质量的”,例如:We specialize in quality furniture.Our main concern is to provide quality customer service.
Quality time 指放松自我、享受乐趣的时间,尤指关爱子女,增进感情的宝贵时间,例如:This Christmas, I want to spend some real quality time with the family instead of having everyone stuck on their phones and tablets the whole time.今年圣诞节,我想和家人一起度过一段真正有质量的时光,而不是让每个人都整天呆在手机和平板电脑上。I'm looking forward to having some quality time with you on our camping trip.I prefer giving quality time to my children, these are their most precious year anyway.我更喜欢给我的孩子们优质的时间,不管怎样,这是他们最宝贵的一年。It is important that one does not neglect their children in order to spend quality time at work.重要的是,一个人不要忽视他们的孩子,以便在工作中度过高质量的时间。时间既然是不可再生资源,那么赶紧从现在开始珍惜每分每秒,做自己喜欢或有意义的事。
1. eventually [ɪˈventʃuəli] 意为“最后,终于”