西游记英文版 Journey to the west(55)推车的和尚们 The Cart and the Monks

Little Fox出品


Journey to the west




西游记 55:
Journey to the West 55:
The Cart and the Monks
"Everybody, wake up!" called Wukong.
Everyone had camped for a night in the woods. The Tang Monk woke up and stretched. Wujing opened his eyes and yawned.
Bajie moaned, "It's too early. Let me sleep just a few more hours."
“大家都起来吧!” 悟空叫道。
"Bajie, get up," said the Tang Monk. "Start making some breakfast."
Bajie got to his feet. "All we do is work," he said. "Cook food . . . carry bags . . . walk, walk, walk!"
“八戒,得起来了。” 唐僧说,“开始做早饭吧。”
八戒站了起来。“我们每天就是干活儿。” 他说,“做饭……拿行李……走路,走路,走路!”
"We're on a noble mission," said Wujing. "Because of our difficult journey, the Tang Empire will have the True Scriptures. You should be happy to do all this work."
After a quick breakfast, the group started walking. They went through a valley and over some hills.
“我们有重要使命。” 悟净说,“虽然西天取经的路上有很多困难,但是大唐可以得到真经。你应该高兴才是。”
That afternoon while walking they heard someone yelling.
"It sounds like some people are in trouble," said the Tang Monk.
Wujing nodded. "Yes. I wonder what's going on."
"You all wait here," said Wukong. "I'll go and investigate."
Wukong leaped into the air and looked around.
“听上去好像是有人遇到麻烦了。” 唐僧说。
“你们都在这里等着。” 悟空说,“我去看一下。”
He saw some monks strenuously pushing a cart. The cart was loaded with big stones. The monks looked miserable. Their robes were dirty and ripped.
Two Daoist priests stood nearby. They were dressed in fine clothes.
"Work faster!" yelled one of the priests.
The monks looked frightened. They struggled to move the cart faster.
"Why are those monks pushing that cart?" thought Wukong. "And why are they scared of the Daoists?"
“快点儿!” 其中一个道士大叫。
“为什么这些和尚要推那车?” 悟空想,“他们又为什么怕那些道士呢?”
After the Daoists left, Wukong changed into a monk.
"Hello," said Wukong, walking toward the group of monks. "Why are you pushing this cart?"
“你们好。” 悟空边说,边走近那些和尚们,“你们为什么要推这车啊?”
The monks stopped pushing the cart and turned toward Wukong. They looked surprised.
"You must be new here," one monk said. "You should leave before you're discovered."
"Why?" asked Wukong.
“你一定是新来的吧?” 一个和尚说,“在他们发现你以前,快点儿离开这儿。”
“为什么?” 悟空问。
"Daoists are in charge here," said another monk.
Wukong shrugged. "You can all live together in peace."
"Not in here," said the first monk. "We suffer here. The Daoists make us do hard work."
“道士们控制了这里。” 另一个和尚说。
“在这儿不行。” 第一个和尚说,“我们在这里会受苦的。道士们让我们做苦工。”
"Why do the Daoists treat you so badly?" asked Wukong.
"Years ago there was a drought," said the monk. "Crops died and people starved. We prayed to Buddha for rain. But no rain came."
“道士们为什么这么对你们?” 悟空问。
“几年前,这里发生了一场旱灾。” 和尚说,“庄稼都枯死了,老百姓也都饿死了。我们向佛祖求雨,但是没有下雨。”
"One day a powerful Daoist arrived," said the other monk. "He's called the Tiger Immortal. He recited prayers, and right away rain fell. Since then Daoists have been in charge. They destroyed all the monasteries."
“有一天,有个厉害的道士来了。” 另一个和尚说,“他叫虎力大仙。他念咒求雨,立刻就下了大雨。从此,道士们就控制了这里。他们毁了所有的寺院。”
"That's terrible," said Wukong. "Those Daoists can't get away with this."
"The Daoists won't treat us this way forever," said a third monk. "The spirit of the planet Venus visited us in a dream one night. He said that one day someone would come along to save us."
“太可恶了。” 悟空说,“绝对不能放过那些道士。”
“道士们不会永远这样对我们的。” 第三个和尚说,“有一天晚上,我梦见太白金星。他说有一天有人会来救我们的。”
"Oh really?" Wukong raised an eyebrow. "Who is going to save you?"
"A fierce monkey spirit," said the monk. "His name is Sun Wukong. He is so powerful that he defeated Heaven’s entire army!"
“哦,是吗?” 悟空扬起了眉毛说,“谁会来救你们?”
“一位厉害的猴仙。” 那个和尚说,“他叫孙悟空。他很厉害的。他曾打败了天兵天将!”
Wukong smiled. "I've heard of Sun Wukong. And it's true that he's very powerful. Did Venus tell you what he looks like?"
"Oh yes," said the monk.
"So you'll recognize him if you see him?" asked Wukong, trying not to laugh.
“哦,有的。” 和尚说。
“如果你们看到孙悟空,能认出他吗?” 悟空说,努力忍着不笑。
"Certainly," said the monk. "Why do you ask?"
Light sparkled around Wukong. Then he changed back into his original form.
"Sun Wukong!" cried the monks. They all fell to their knees and bowed.
“当然。” 和尚说,“你为什么这么问?”
“孙悟空?” 和尚们大叫。他们立刻拜倒在地。
1. cart ⼩车, ⼿推车
He saw a group of Buddhist monks pushing a cart up a steep hill.
2. camp 1. 扎营, 露营, (2. 野营, 营地)
The travelers had camped for a night in the woods.
3. stretch 伸展, 伸出(⼿臂、 头、 ⾝⼦等)
The Tang Monk woke up and stretched.
4. yawn 1. 哈⽋, (2. 打哈⽋)
Wujing opened his eyes and yawned.
5. noble 1. ⾼尚的, 崇⾼的, (2. 优秀的, 杰出的, 3. 贵族的)
We're on a noble mission.
6. mission 使命, 任务
We're on a noble mission.
7. investigate 调查(事件, 犯罪等)
I'll go and investigate.
8. steep 陡峭的, 险峻的
He saw a group of Buddhist monks pushing a cart up a steep hill.
9. load 1. 装货, 装载, (2. 货物, 装载物)
The cart was loaded with big stones.
10. ripped 破裂的, 被撕破的
Their robes were dirty and ripped.
11. miserable 悲惨的, 不幸的, 痛苦的
The monks looked miserable.
12. fine 优秀的, 杰出的, 不错的
They were dressed in fine clothes.
13. priest 神职⼈员(神⽗、 牧师、 僧侣等)
Two Daoist priest s stood nearby.
14. struggle 1. 努⼒, (2. 挣扎, 搏⽃)
They struggled to move the cart faster.

15. discover 发现, 发觉
You should leave before you're discovered.

16. in charge 负责
Daoists are in charge here.
17. religion 宗教
People from different religions can still get along.
18. get along 相处友善, 关系良好
People from different religions can still get along.
19. kingdom 王国
"Not in this kingdom ," said the first monk.
20. treat 1. 对待, 把…看做, (2. (饼⼲、 糖果等)点⼼, ⼩礼物)
Buddhists are treated horribly here.
21. horribly 可怕地, 厉害的
Buddhists are treated horribly here.
22. badly 1. 坏地, (2. 极度地, 严重地)
Why do the Daoists treat you so badly?
23. drought ⼲旱
Years ago this kingdom had a drought.
24. crop 作物, 庄稼
Crops died and people starved.
25. starve 挨饿
Crops died and people starved.
26. immortal 神, 不朽的⼈物
He's called the Tiger Immortal.
27. monastery 修道院, 寺院
They destroyed all the Buddhist monasteries and statues.
28. statue 雕像, 塑像, 铸像
They destroyed all the Buddhist monasteries and statues.
29. get away with 侥幸成功, 侥幸逃脱
Those Daoists can't get away with this.

30. planet ⾏星(围着太阳转的星星)
The spirit of the planet Venus visited us in a dream one night.

31. come along ⼀起来, ⼀起去
He said that one day someone would come along to save us.
32. fierce 凶猛的, 残酷的
"A fierce monkey spirit," said the monk.
33. recognize 认出, 识别(⼈、 物等)
So you'll recognize him if you see him?
34. certainly 1. (⽤于回答)当然, 可以, 没问题, (2. ⽆疑地, 必定, 确实地)
" Certainly ," said the monk.
1. Which is true?
A. The Daoists were in charge.
B. The Buddhists caused a drought.
C. Venus saved the Buddhists.
2. Why did Wukong go to investigate?
A. He heard yelling.
B. He saw something.
C. He smelled something.
3. What were the monks doing?
A. pushing a cart up a hill
B. yelling at the Daoists
C. running away
4. How did Wukong disguise himself?
A. as a monk
B. as a Daoist
C. as a farmer
5. Who did Venus say would save the monks?
A. Wukong
B. Wujing
C. Bajie



(41)交易 A Trade

(42)孙空悟 Sun Kongwu

(43)太上老君来访 A Visit from Laozi

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(45)井里的“宝藏” The Treasure in the Well

(46)一千颗药丸 One Thousand Pills

(47)两个唐僧 Two Tang Monks

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(49)红孩儿 Red Boy

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(52)净瓶里的“海洋” An Ocean in a Vase

(53)小船上的男人 The Man in the Canoe

(54)河神 The River God

(55)推车的和尚们 The Cart and the Monks

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