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翻译:唐剑 编辑:冯玉蓉 审校:曹莹
方法:本研究为前瞻性、双盲、随机研究。我们分析了一名外科医生在2015年7月至2016年11月期间实施的46例手术。将患者随机分为罗哌卡因组和生理盐水组。在关闭腹壁之前,以7.5%罗哌卡因(5 ml)或生理盐水(5 ml)通过腹腔镜注射针注入两侧子宫骶韧带。比较两组患者在注射后2、6、12和24小时的疼痛强度评分。
文献来源:Huang NC, Lee MS, Lai HC,et al. Propofol-based total intravenous anesthesia improves survival compared to desflurane anesthesia in gastric cancer surgery: A retrospective analysis.Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 Jun 19;9925(25)
Postoperative pain control with ropivacaine following laparoscopic myomectomy: A randomized double-blind, pilot study.
AIM:The aim of this study was to evaluate immediate pain control in patients who underwent laparoscopic myomectomy (LM) by intraoperative injection of ropivacaine into both uterosacral ligaments.
METHODS:The study was a prospective, double-blind, randomized study. We analyzed 46 cases of LM performed between July 2015 and November 2016 by a single surgeon. We randomized the enrolled patients into either a ropivacaine or a saline injection group. Before the surgeon closed the abdominal wall, each 7.5% ropivacaine (5 mL) or saline (5 mL) was administered into both uterosacral ligaments through laparoscopic injection needle. We compared the pain intensity scores 2, 6, 12, and 24 h after injection between the two groups.
RESULTS:The pain intensity scores were not significantly different. However, the ropivacaine group requested less of the analgesic than the placebo-injected group requested (P = 0.035). No patient in the ropivacaine group reported any side effects.
CONCLUSION:Intraoperative ropivacaine injection into both uterosacral ligaments during LM can reduce the dosage of opioid analgesics.
