感知工作的意义和乐趣、职业疲劳、工作满意度...等也是护士“离职意向”很重要的预测因子! | 护理SCI文献解读
# 护理科研Focus交流社群
今天推荐一篇源自《Journal of Nursing Management》上的护理SCI文献:Rutledge, D.N., Douville, S., Winokur, E., Drake, D. and Niedziela, D. (2021), Impact of Engagement Factors on Nurses’ Intention to Leave Hospital Employment. Journal of Nursing Management. Accepted Author Manuscript.
1. 比较好的选题是“现象学”类的问题。比如,如果我们的因变量是“离职意向”,这是一个现象问题或者实际问题,而“工作投入”作为因变量的话,相对来说,会有点不是很落地。所以,护理选题,我们首先要考虑的就是:理论意义和实际意义。
2. 关于“离职意向”的文献有很多,针对离职意向的因素,之前也有很多研究证据表明,影响离职意向的因素有很多,比如,职业认同感、敬业度、职业压力等等,但是与工作投入相关的因素(比如,感知工作的意义和乐趣、工作/职业疲劳、对工作的满意度等),尚未有报道。这篇文献就是做的进一步的“细化”!
Abstract 摘要
Aim To determine the impact of workforce engagement factors on nurses’ intention to leave their hospital.
Background Nurse retention is important for safe patient care. It is unknown whether meaning and joy in work, occupational fatigue, job satisfaction, and unprofessional behavior experiences predict hospital nurse turnover intentions.
Method This cross‐sectional study involved responses from 747 nurses from two southwestern hospitals. Measures included surveys to capture Meaning and Joy in Work, Job Satisfaction, Occupational Fatigue, and unprofessional behavior exposure/impact.
研究方法:共调查747名护士;以探讨工作意义和乐趣(meaning and joy in work)、工作疲劳、工作满意度及非专业的行为经历等对护士离职意向的预测作用。
Results Following correlational analyses, manifest variables significantly correlated with related latent factors. In structural equation modeling, greater Chronic Occupational Fatigue was the strongest and Meaning and Joy at Work (negative direction) the next strongest predictor of turnover intention. Although significant, Job Satisfaction and Acute Fatigue were weak predictors. Inter‐shift Recovery did not predict intent to leave.
Conclusion This is the first study to identify Chronic Fatigue and Meaning and Joy in Work as significant predictors of hospital nurse turnover intentions.
Implications for Nursing Management
Employing practices that decrease chronic fatigue and increase meaning/joy in work are recommended to improve nurse retention.
对护理管理的启示:建议采用降低慢性职业疲劳和增加工作的意义/乐趣(meaning and joy in work)等做法来提高护士留职率。