美亚超低价购入ASICS 亚瑟士 KAYANO19 男款跑鞋





从刚开始3km气喘嘘嘘到后来6-7km无压力,脚踩国产安踏若干年前的伪跑鞋,倒也跑得不亦乐乎。但是,作为SMZDMer,怎么能错过以锻炼为名的剁手机会呢?首页推送你没看错! asics 亚瑟士 GEL-KAYANO ... 只要490,就能得到顶级跑鞋啊!!!美亚[商品:ASICS Men's GEL-Kayano 19 Running Shoe] 海淘自然是毫无压力啦,但是,490对屌丝来说是一个月的伙食费啊


在美亚帮助页面点击Contact Us,Chat online。跟美亚客服MM沟通一下(由于沟通过程过于漫长,直接放在文后,感兴趣的童鞋可以查看)











US7 40码






平时NIKE AD都是40码,看到有人说ACICS尺码偏小,但是我没买大一号,还是US7 D,穿上后刚好很服帖,没有觉得紧和挤脚,穿了几天后变得宽松了。第一脚感觉:终于感受到了踩shi的感觉了




You are now connected to Amazon from Amazon.com

Me:Could you please give me a PROMO CODE that I can get $15 off $75? I want to buy a pair of ASICS Men's GEL-Kayano 19 Running Shoes 开门见山直接让客服mm给个优惠码

Amazon:Hello my name is Racquel from Amazon.com Chat Support Team. I will be more than happy to assist you today.

Me:hi, Racquel, can you help me with that?

Amazon:May I have the name on your account?

Me:It's xxx

Amazon:Thank you. Your email address is xxx@XX.com, correct?


Amazon:Thank you xxx, I am going to do this for you as a one time exception. I am really not suppose.

As I see you only have two orders so far.既然你说了,看你之前也下过单,我就给你破一次例吧

Me:Thank you so much! I'm new to Amazon, and it's good to buy something here.

Amazon:I am sorry there seems to be a problem有问题?有啥问题?

The system will not allow me to do this as you have a balance of 70.00 that is not yet used.什么?我账户还有70刀的余额?这是要发啊...

Me:I don't know that I have a balance of 70

Amazon:Yes it is there, You can use this towards your order.

Me:There 's a $5 gift card in my account还有5刀是之前刷APP兑换的,会不会搞错了?确认一下

Amazon:But the item has to be ship and sold by Amazon.

Yes there is a 5.00 gift card and a balance of 70.00

in promotional credit.

Do you want to place your order now and I ensure that this is added?

Me:May I ask that where does the balance come from?

Amazon:one moment please.

Okay the 50.00 was a coupon from a item you bought and the 20.00 was given to you by an agent.

Me:So the 70 balance was used before or I can use in this purchase?

I can't find them in my account...

Amazon:This will be automatically applied to your order.

you will see it after the order is placed

please note that this will not be added if this is a seller item.

Me:when I place an order of ASICS Men's GEL-Kayano 19 Running Shoe sold by Amazon,and now the price is $93,I will pay only $23 by applying the balance?只要23刀?这是要疯的节奏啊。。。

Amazon:Yes that is correct.

Go ahead an d place the order I will wait here to see the out come.亲,下单试试看吧

Me:OK,let me have a try


Shipping & handling:$0.00

Total before tax:$93.05

Estimated tax to be collected:$0.00


Gift Certificate/Card:-$5.00

Order total:$88.05怎么回事,没减啊

Should I press the Place your order button?

Amazon:You were not suppose to use your gift card balance.

If you click to use the gift card the promo will not be added.不能用gift card

Me:ok ,let me try again

Order Summary


Shipping & handling:$0.00

Total before tax:$93.05

Estimated tax to be collected:$0.00

Order total:$93.05

still the same...还是不行。。。

Amazon:check if the used gift card box is ticked.

Are you there?

Me:I didn't tick the box

Amazon:Okay tell you what place the order if the promo isn't applied I will cancel the order.

You might have not ticked it but because the gift card is on the account it check itself.MM让下单看看能不能获得优惠

Me:ok,so that my credit card won't be charged?确定不会扣钱

Amazon:that is why I told you to double check.

Yes that is correct if the promo is not applied I will cancel the order so that your card wont be charge.

Me:It only shows that I have gift account balance of $5

Amazon:I am not evening seeing the gift card balance.

Me:and there's a button saying Apply balance to this order

Amazon:the gift card and the promo is still on your account.

Me:But why can't I apply them to my order?

Amazon:The promotion applies only to qualifying items. Excludes bags, wallets and accessories. Brand exclusions include but are not limited to Born, Born Crown, Clarks, Dansko, Feetures, Frye, Johnston and Murphy, Keen, Kork-Ease, K-Swiss, Mephisto, Merrell, Minnetonka, OluKai, Reebok Classic, Reebok Princess, Reebok RealFlex, Reebok Zig, Reebok,

Unless the promotion indicates otherwise, it applies to the lowest priced qualifying item and may not be combined with other offers.

the promo was not added because this is not qualify.还是不行


Me:Is ASICS included?

Amazon:No its not and only one promotional credit can be applied to a order per time.

I have cancelled your order, I have also issue the 15.00 to your account, you can reorder and try using that promo towards your order.直接送你15刀吧

Me:So the balance of 70 is useless to my order.

Amazon:it can be used on previous order but not all at once.

Me:oh,what a pity

one more question, where can I find 15.00 that you issued?

Amazon:Is there anything I can assist you with today?

It is on your account, it will not be visible to you until your order has been placed.下单立减15刀

Me:only for this item or for any other items?

Amazon:For any other item.这15刀可以用在任何下单的物品上,全场现金券啊!

Me:OK,I see,thank you for your patient,thank you so much, Racquel,have a nice day!

Amazon:Are you now signed in to your email address?


Amazon:I am going to send you an email that will further explain how this works okay.

one moment.

Me:ok,that will be helpful

Amazon:Check your inbox you will see that I have sent you an email.

Me:ok,thank you

now I'm going to close the window,it's so glad to have a chat with u 感谢伟大的亚马逊,感谢客服MM

Amazon:Thank you for making it Amazon.com, Have a wonderful day!We hope to see you again soon!



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