美添音乐 Everyday music 《Kiss From a Rose》



Everyday music



——《Kiss From a Rose》

名:《Kiss From a Rose》

歌者   Seal


流派 流行



There used to be a greying tower

Alone on the sea

You became the light on the dark side of me

Love remained

A d**g that's the high mountain hill

But did you know

That when it snows

My eyes become large and

The light that you shine can be seen

Baby I compare you to

A kiss from a rose on the grey

The more I get of you stranger it feels yeah

And now that your rose is is in bloom

A light hits the gloom on the grey

There is so much a man can tell you

So much he can say

You remain my power my pleasure my pain baby

To me you're like a growing addiction

That I can't deny yeah

Won't you tell me is that healthy baby

But did you know that when it snows

My eyes become large and the light

That you shine can be seen

Baby I compare you to

A kiss from a rose on the grey

Ooh the more I get of you stranger it feels yeah

Now that your rose is in bloom

A light hits the gloom on the grey

I've been kissed by a rose on the grey

I've been kissed by a rose on the grey

I've been kissed by a rose on the grey

I've been kissed by a rose on the grey

There is so much a man can tell you

So much he can say

You remain my power my pleasure my pain

To me you're like a growing addiction

That I can't deny yeah

Won't you tell me is that healthy baby

But did you know that when it snows

My eyes become large and the light

That you shine can be seen

Baby I compare you to

A kiss from a rose on the grey

Ooh the more I get of you stranger it feels yeah

Now that your rose is in bloom

A light hits the gloom on the grey

Yes I compare you to a kiss

From a rose on the grey

Ooh the more I get of you stranger it feels yeah

And now that your rose is in bloom

A light hits the gloom on the grey

And now that your rose is in bloom

A light hits the gloom on the grey



今天分享一首来自Seal的《Kiss by a rose》。

这首歌是电影《永远的蝙蝠侠》(Batman Forever)的 插曲。

Seal,中文名席尔。全名,Seal Henry Olusegun Olumide Adeola Samuel。是一位获得格莱美奖的英国创作型歌手和音乐人。1963年2月19日出生于英国伦敦帕丁顿 。因其面部有一条刀疤,因此被称为“刀疤歌手”。这首《Kiss From A Rose》是他的一首代表作之一。



他的热门歌曲享誉国际,如《疯狂》(Crazy)、《玫瑰之吻》(Kiss from a Rose)和《爱的神圣》(Love’s Divine)。希尔的音乐之旅是从在当地酒吧唱歌开始的。最初,唱片公司拒绝考虑他,但慢慢地,他在音乐界找到了自己的位置。1990年的单曲《杀手》(Killer),进一步确立了他的地位。

今天分享的这首单曲《玫瑰之吻》(Kiss from a Rose)广受喜爱,获得了1996年格莱美奖的“年度最佳唱片”和“年度最佳歌曲”,并被认为是他迄今为止的最佳单曲。



他将自己的歌曲《Crazy (If I Was Trev Mix)》加入了“Red Hot Organization’s compilation CD”《Red Hot + Dance》。并这张专辑的销售收入捐给致力于提高艾滋病意识的慈善机构。



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