
Albert Einstein, he is an Einspänner and so I am as well. He is a Renaissance figure and so I am. He got a very high very abnormal IQ and so I am. That’s it.

By the way, He ever got a Nobel Prize of Physics and this award were even not be rewarded for his the most important discovery “E=mc2”. However, he believed in the GOD who and which totally beyond the science finally. I will not be the same way with him or like him I suppose. Ahha. As we known, the Einspänner is alone and feels lonely always, although we still try to survive and stick to struggling for a better life and a better world. Albert Einstein’s theory has changed the whole world during the 20th century. At the same time, for me, I hope I could do something meaningful sooner or later and I do hope the things that I do now and then could make a little contribution to this world or make a little bit change a better change for our mankind. No matter base on the field of western classical music in mainland, or any other fields, I think I will try to do something and something interesting for sure. As Long Yu said, The MUSIC brings the imagination to The YOUTH and then the imagination leads to the creativity, the creativity leads to the competitiveness. I agree with him completely. Thank you so much for all my dear readers and have a nice weekend please. Chi ZUOSeptember. 4th, 2021



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