独家专访Iwona | 神话!2年从妈妈拍娃党到世界顶级儿童摄影师







本次访谈由Iwona Podlasińska授权枫糖盒子kidsfoto.net独家进行,问题及答案由dx编辑和翻译。

Iwona的相册: https://500px.com/iwonapodlasinska

波兰女儿童摄影师Iwona Podlasińska 一直是dx个人心目中Top3拍娃大神之一,可以说Iwona的作品给我的作品的影响颇为深刻,与美国系Lisa Holloway Jake Olson等场景动作较为单一的夕阳大暖调田园风不同的是,Iwona的取景地更灵活多变,大胆采用冷色调营造出如梦如幻的童话世界。

和很多其他拍娃大神类似,Iwona也是妈妈出身的摄影师,并把这个爱好一步步扩张,积极捕捉透过孩子们的眼睛看到的美妙世界,创造属于她自己的梦之影像。“在这个创造过程中,她回忆着自己作为孩童时所曾拥有的美丽和惊喜,并发现属于自己的迷你世界。她跟随孩子们,和他们一起追逐,看着他们无忧无虑的嬉戏,完成一部又一部的惊人创作,通过这些杰出的移动艺术创作,她希望她的想象会提醒观众时光穿越回到他们自己的童年,并激励其他家长也拍摄他们的孩子的有意义的照片” (美国著名摄影师Christine Kapuschinsky Johnson语)。

谈到创作风格,dx还不由自主的将Iwona与同为东欧的另一位杰出女摄影师Elena Shumilova进行比较,如果将Elena比作色彩大师拉威尔,那么Iwona就是朦胧教主德彪西。前者善于创造绚丽华美的日之篇章;后者则深沉低吟出朦胧的海上月夜之魂。


dx:  Hi Iwona, Would you like to introduce yourself in a few lines? As one of the most successful children photographers across the globe, what originally motivated you into the beginning of your magnificent photography life?

DX:你好Iwona, 能简单介绍一下你自己?作为世界上最成功的儿童摄影师之一,您是如何开始您的摄影生涯的?

Iwona: My name is Iwona Podlasińska I‘m a mother of two boys and an architect. I live in Kielce Poland. I was interested in taking photos since I was a child but for all the time I didn‘t have a subject to phonograph. When my kids were little I discovered how taking photos of them made me happy and begun learning photography and editing. It was in the begging of 2014. Right now I still think of it as a hobby. I take photos of my boys and nieces mostly. I don‘t take clients. My work is based on my own vision of a happy and magical childhood. I take inspiration from animated movies and children storybooks and from life itself- as I watch my kids and the world around me. My images are something between reality and dreams-sometimes those are the scenes just taken as they were sometimes I push those more to the dreamlike style. I believe that this is just like childhood then what was real mixed with what was imagined.

Iwona: 大家好,我是Iwona Podlasińska 我是两个男孩的母亲,职业是建筑师。我住在波兰的凯尔采。我从很小就喜欢拍照片,但是一直以来我没有什么可以拍照的目标。当我的孩子们很小的时候我开始拍摄他们,这给我很大的乐趣,就是这个时候我开始系统学习拍照和后期。那是2014年初(比自诩为新手的dx还晚!),直到现在为止我仍然把这个仅仅当作一种爱好。我大部分时间拍摄我的孩子和侄子们,从来不接客片。我的创作完全来自我自己对魔幻童话世界的憧憬。我从动画电影和儿童故事书中获得感悟,也从我个人的生活中找寻灵感,岁月静好地观察着我的孩子和我的周遭。我的照片的风格介于现实和梦境之间,有时候这些场景是取自真实发生过的现实,有时候我倾向于把他们修改成更像是梦境中发生过的一样。我相信这就应该是童年本来的模样,在想象中读取现实,在现实中抱有美妙的想象。

dx: What is/are the key(s) of the children photography in your PoV?


Iwona: For me photographing kids is nothing like portrait photography. In portrait photography you need an idea outfits clothes locations you ask a model to pose and take photos. Photographing kids is more like wildlife photography- which requires knowing the subject well patience and waiting for the right moment. I love those sublime poses that can only be caught live they can‘t be forced on kids that delicate touch of a hand or a honest expression showing amazement. It‘s not the location and it‘s not the props but the pose that evokes feelings and tells a story. I‘m always ready to capture the one moment in time when their pose that will tell it‘s all.

Iwona: 对我来讲儿童摄影有别于一般的肖像写真。在肖像写真中你需要提前设计地点,服装以及道具等,让模特按照你的意思摆拍来完成你的照片。儿童摄影更应该是像野生动物摄影,你需要了解你的拍摄目标的动向,有足够的耐心等待合适的时机。我喜欢那些不做作的美好姿态,那种姿态不能够通过强加的方式来让孩子去表演,比如一个微妙的指尖触摸或者一个惊奇的表情,故事通过这些能够唤起真实情感的动作讲出,不是那些临时的道具或者设计地点。我总是准备好去捕捉一个个这样能够讲述完整故事的场景。

dx: What are your favourite 3 photos done so far? Why are they special?


Iwona: This is a very difficult question because I‘m a mother of the photographed kids and I have feeling for all of them. But if I have to choose I‘ll take this one first:

Iwona: 这是一个很难回答的问题,作为一个妈妈摄影师,所有我的孩子的照片我都喜欢。不过如果非要我去选择的话,我可能会选这个作为第一个:

《Pigeons - 鸽子》

First of all because it‘s my most successful shot. To be honest I‘m afraid I won‘t be able to repeat that success. This was taken in Kraków. We went there to visit my brother and his family. We went to the market square because my brother was running in a charity business run and we went to cheer him. When we got to the market square it was crowdy and it was beginning to rain. A man standing there handed me a bag full of seeds and run hiding from the rain. I was giving seeds to my son and taking photos of him with my Sony A7 and a manual Samyang 85mm 1.4. I think I was very lucky to capture it all at once- the rain the pigeon flying up in the air and my son‘s perfect calm pose. That is a shot that is not easy to repeat even for me (as the the person who took it).

这是我目前为止最成功的作品,老实讲这个成功可能以后都无法复制。我是在Krakow拍摄的这张照片。我们去看我的兄弟一家。我的兄弟当时正在忙他的慈善事业,我们去集市广场给他鼓劲。当我们到达广场时,人很多,然后天开始下雨。站在那里的一个人递给我一个装满种子的袋子然后消失在雨中。我把种子交给我的儿子然后开始拍他,器材是索尼a7和三阳85mm f/1.4。我非常幸运能够拍着到这样的雨中一幕,鸽子们的洪荒而起与儿子的淡定相映成趣。这真的是一个无法复制的成功,既使我自己也是一样。

《Flying - 飞翔》

This is my second choice. My older son on a swing. I took it with the same lens as the previous one but on a crop sensor camera Sony A77. I was sitting in a sandbox watching my husband swinging my son on the swing. It was very difficult to capture that moment with a manual lens. I love this because this is the ultimate moment- the moment when he wasn‘t touching the seat the moment of no gravity. For this moment when I look at it I have to hold my breath like I was there instead of him. That reminds me of my childhood and from all the messages I received regarding that image I know that it also speaks to the hearts of many people.

这是我的第二选择。我的大儿子在玩秋千。我使用和第一张同样的镜头,但是这次装在截副机a77上。我坐在一个沙箱上看着我的丈夫给孩子的秋千助力。这是一种非常难捕捉的场景,因为三阳85mm f/1.4是一个手动对焦镜头。我喜欢这一瞬,因为他刚好没有去碰座椅,并且处于零重力状态。为了这一瞬我屏住呼吸看着他好像秋千上的是我自己而不是他一样。这照片让我回想起我的童年,同时我知道,它也触动了其他人心底的那份脆弱情感。

《secrets - 秘密》

This is one of my recent favorites. It was taken quite spontaneously although I had it in my mind for some time. But I never asked kids to actually pose with those torches I just caught a real life scene. I love the feeling of them sharing some secrets or planning future adventures together. I got a lot of messages from people saying that they remember themselves playing like that with their siblings and that it moved their hearts.


dx: Which photographer has had the greatest influence on your photography history? Who is your favorite photographer?


Iwona: Another very difficult questions. When I started taking photos I used to take a lot inspiration from other photographers but never really paying attention to the names. So right now I can‘t even tell who inspired me then. I was paying attention to the photos not the names. And even right now I don‘t thing there is one person that I can call my favorite photographer.

Iwona: 又是一个棘手的问题。我在开始学习摄影时从很多摄影师的作品获取了灵感,但是我却没有留意他们的名字。所以说现在我很难讲到底是哪一位算是我的启蒙老师。因为我一向只是关注照片本身,不是作者。直到现在我也不知道哪一位才算是我最喜欢的摄影师。(dx: ……牛逼的人生不需要解释)

dx: What do you know about China? How much do you know about Chinese photography?


Iwona: China is a fascinating and really undiscovered place for me. I have never visited China but it‘s a dream that may some day come true. I know only a few photographers from China that I came across on Flickr. But I wish I knew more about it and hope that we‘ll get closer one day. Right now I‘m in touch with Shangtuf exhibition organizers  and I‘m talking about having my images showcased there. It would be a wonderful opportunity to show my work to a new public.

Iwona: 中国对我来讲是一个神秘的国度,我从未去过中国,但是我一直梦想有一天能够成行。我仅仅知道少数来自中国的摄影师,都是在Flickr上认识的,而且我希望有一天能够对中国了解更多。目前我与Shangtuf (尚图坊: http://www.shangtuf.com/) 的摄影展览组织者联系颇多,谈论关于我的个人作品展事宜。届时会是一个非常难得的机会,并有幸让我的作品在中国展出。

dx: At the moment hundreds of millions of Chinese parents are on the way of improving their skills in photographing their beloved children. What are your  recommendations? What are the words you would like to share with them?


Iwona: I could just tell you how I learned. First I read a few books and my camera manual. Knowing your gear- whatever it is is essential. Then I used to look for photos I liked and I would analyze it thoroughly- the composition lighting gear used etc. And I used to take as many photos as I could just to learn. I was trying different angles different kinds of lighting and then I could understand what I can and what I can‘t do in my camera. Editing was secondary and I still think that some people overestimate the power of it. Most of the times a great photo is a great photos taken in camera- editing just helps it pop- not makes it awesome. So to keep it short- watch analyze experiment with your camera and take many photos trying to get the style you desire.

Iwona: 我就讲讲我自己的学习之路吧。起初我看了几本书还有相机的说明书。了解你的器材永远是重要的,不管它是好是坏。然后我就开始在媒体上看大量的照片,分析参数,用光,构图,器材等等。然后就是拍照,大量的拍,从不同的角度,使用不用的光源。慢慢的我就了解了我的器材的局限。后期处理是另一方面,但是很多人过分看重其重要性。绝大部分的好照片在前期就是好照片,后期只是增色。简而言之,观察,分析,拿起相机去实践,最后找到你个人的风格。

dx: What is your recommendation on choosing gears?


Iwona: If you want to take photos of your kids in a style similar to mine you would need a camera and a nice portrait lens like 85mm or 135mm that will give you that nice separation between the subject and the background. I also have a 50mm lens for shooting indoors. And I think that a camera with two lenses- one for indoor shooting and one for outdoor is enough.

Iwona: 如果你想拍摄和我类似风格的儿童照片,你需要人像头85mm或者135mm,能够和孩子们保持一定的距离。我还有一个50mm的镜头用来拍摄室内。我认为一个机身两个镜头足矣:一个室内一个室外。

dx: What is your routine of lighting setup/preparation? Do you usually use assistants? Any flash or reflector?


Iwona: I don‘t set the scenes or prepare lighting or anything like that. I just play with my kids and keep my camera ready. The only assistant I ask for help is my mom. Especially when we are outdoors and I want to take a few steps back to have a larger view- she keeps an eye on the boys. I use natural light without any flash or reflectors. As I said before I‘m interested in capturing natural poses and one in a time moments. Therefore I can‘t spoil the scene using flash that would disturb kids and make them realize they have the photos taken. Also as you can see there are so many different photos in my stream. Each one is different so there is no routine I follow. Some are very spontaneous some are planned regarding the props used or the place- but I never force the kids to pose some way- I know my kids- they wouldn‘t listen. The only thing I can do is watch them and try to capture the best moment.

Iwona: 我不喜欢用人造光来破坏现场光氛围。我就是和孩子们一起玩,然后相机随时待命。唯一的助手是我的妈妈,尤其我们在户外的时候,我需要退后一些来获得更大的视野,而她需要保证孩子们的安全。我不用反光板或闪光灯。我之前说过我喜欢捕捉真实而非设计的场景。额外的灯光干扰会破坏孩子们的情绪,让他们不自然。你可以看到我的照片的场景非常杂,来自不同的场所。所以我不会有什么所谓的“习惯”,大部分都是完全下意识完成的照片,还有一部分是我事先了解一些“道具”或者“现场”,然后以他们不知的方式诱导他们进入“现场”,但是我不会强迫他们去摆拍,就算我真的那样他们也不会听我的。我唯一能做的就是安静的等待,拍下最好的瞬间。

dx: What is your secret to your post-editing what makes the difference? Why do your pictures always look so dreamy and gentle and special?


Iwona: My post editing is (I think) simpler then people assume. I edit my photos in Lightroom mostly sometimes incorporate Photoshop if I want to remove something or combine photos together. I think editing is like make-up to woman‘s face- it can cover some things or can emphasize what‘s already beautiful but can‘t turn an ugly face into a beautiful one. The same with editing- a good photo is a base- there are a lot of thing that can be done but you can‘t change the pose or the expression of a face. Then I set a plan of editing- emphasize what‘s nice about the photo and get rid of distractions. My basic workflow consists of playing with exposure (lightening and darkening) playing with temperature and color (to emphasize mood) playing with contrast and clarity ( to make the subject more 3 dimensional) and sharpening at the end. From time to time when I have an idea for a more complicated edit- like a composite- I also do that but only when my idea is worthy all the time spent in front of my computer. As I said before- I do those photos in my spare time and as you know- nobody has enough spare time.

Iwona: 我的后期过程其实比大多数人想像的简单。基本上我使用LR,偶尔会用PS去除一些东西或者合成照片等等。数码后期好比女人上妆,这个过程能够掩盖一些缺陷,并且强调美丽的部分,但是并不能把丑女人变成西施。一个好的前期是基本的,很多东西你能修改,但是动作和表情并不能。我的修片目标很简单,就是扬长祛短,把不重要的容易转移受众注意力的东西清除掉。我的基本流程包括调整曝光值,调整色温强调氛围,对比和清晰度,最后是加锐。间或我会有一些新奇的想法,需要做一些复杂的合成,我也会去花上大半天在电脑前面作。但是我只能在业余时间去做这些,而且你知道每个人的业余时间都是有限的。

dx: What is your plan for the following months? Do you have a workshop schedule or any online products available? Are you interested in having workshop sessions in China?


Iwona: In the begging of 2016 I started getting a lot of attention in Poland and around the world and got a lot of invitations to run workshops or speak at conferences. I run a workshop once a month- that‘s my limit as I‘m a mother of two boys and spending time with them is the most important thing in the world for me. In November I‘m visiting Brasil to run a workshop there. And I‘m in a moment of setting my calendar for next year. This is a great opportunity for me to see the world and meet new people and I‘m extremely happy if I can take my kids with me like this year when I went to run workshops in Ireland and Scotland. If I ever have a chance to go to China I will probably take it but time will show.

Iwona: 2016年初,我在波兰开始引起很多关注,然后蔓延到全球。我得到了很多沙龙或者公开演讲的邀请。我每个月举办一次讲座,但是我毕竟是一个普通的母亲,和孩子在一起是更重要的。11月我将在巴西作讲座,当前正准备下一年的计划表。这对我个人来讲是见识外部世界的重要契机,认识全世界各地的新朋友。我非常高兴我可以带着孩子和我一起分享这些快乐,比如今年我在爱尔兰和苏格兰办讲座期间。如果我有能够访问中国的机会,我想我一定会乐意去。


Iwona的更多作品请访问 https://500px.com/iwonapodlasinsk。点击阅读原文也可以看到作者更多的清晰大图。

本次访谈由Iwona Podlasińska授权枫糖盒子独家进行,问题及答案由dx编辑和翻译。在这里祝Iwona的事业蒸蒸日上,孩子们茁壮成长。全天下的拍娃党拍娃快乐,生活快乐。谢谢大家。



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