
Xiaomi also ranks 7th in the Internet Services and Retailing category.


1000股中,500 股是为了庆祝小米成为全球 500 强企业,另外 500 股,是小米给每位员工和伙伴的家人的纪念品。
Out of 1,000 shares of Xiaomi stocks, 500 shares serve to celebrate the Global 500 achievement and the remaining 500 are gifted to the family and loved ones of each co-worker and partner.
这次赠送将覆盖小米所有在职的员工和核心外包服务团队的伙伴共计 20538 人,授出股票总计价值约 1.62 亿元。
It took Xiaomi only nine years to make the Fortune Global 500 list, a milestone that we owe a big thank you to all our Mi Fans and users for their unwavering support.

说到小米创始人雷军,在2015年印度小米发布会上他的一句“Are you OK?”被网友恶搞成鬼畜视频而在网络大火。


Are you OK? 也已成为历年来小米与粉丝之间互动常常会用到的一个桥段。

2019年,在这位“Are you OK? ”代言人的领导下,小米已从一家只有13个人的小公司变成世界500强企业,确实值得钦佩。

背景音乐:Frida Sundemo - A Million Years
South China Morning Post:
Chinese phone maker Xiaomi Corp has given each of its employees 1,000 free shares in the company, worth a total of HK$187.5 million (US$24 million), to celebrate the company being included in the latest Fortune 500 global company list for the first time.
Just over 20,000 people were granted the stock award on July 19, when shares in the Hong Kong-listed company closed at HK$9.11, Xiaomi said in a statement to the city’s stock exchange late on Monday.
The Wall Street Journal:
Xiaomi Corp., a Chinese smartphone maker, doled out stock awards to its more than 20,000 employees to commemorate its first-time inclusion in the Fortune 500 list of the world’s largest companies by revenue.
The Beijing-headquartered company, which went public on Hong Kong’s stock exchange about a year ago, told employees they would each receive 1,000 shares as a token of its appreciation for becoming the youngest company to make the list.