

1. It’s spring. It’s________. ( cold /warm)

2. Christmas is _____ ( in / at) winter.

3. A present _______ ( to / for) you.

4. What _____ ( are / is ) these?

5. We have firecrackers        ( in / at ) Chinese New Year.

6. He _______( like /likes)this T-shirt.

7. Sam _______(don't/doesn't)like these shoes.

8. Amy likes ________(these/ this)trousers.


(   ) 1.What do you like?                A、I go to school by bus.

(   ) 2.Does he play the flute ?         B、It's 2 o'clock.

(   ) 3.What's the time ?                C、I like English.

(   ) 4.How do you go to school?         D、I go swimming.

(   ) 5.What do you do at the weekend?   E、No, he doesn’t

(   ) 6.Happy New Year!                  F、I live in Shanghai.

(   ) 7.Where do you live?               G、Happy New Year!

三、选一选,在正确的汉语意思下面画“      ”。(10分)

1.ugly ( 丑陋的 漂亮的 )    2.big ( 大的 矮的 )

3.thin ( 胖的 瘦的 )        4.tall ( 高的 矮的)

5.handsome( 英俊的可爱的)


1. What does he look like?       A. You too.

2. Nice to meet you.             B. I 'm going to the hospital.

3. Where are you going?          C. He is tall.

4. Who is she?                   D. Nice to meet you, too.

5. Happy New Year.               E. She is my grandmother.


Merry Christmas.                       在公园里有一座小山。

Happy New Year.                        圣诞节快乐。

There is a hill in the park.           新年快乐。

Nice to meet you.                      见到你很高兴。


1.怎样表达“他的名字是什么?”:(    )

A.What's her name?    B.What's his name?

2.如何告诉别人“她是我的妈妈。”:(    )

A.She is my mother.   B.He is my father.

3.你想告诉别人“湖上有一条小船。”:(    )

A.There is a boat on the lake.

B.There are flowers in the park.

4.想问“是男孩还是女孩?”时:(    )

A.Is he a boy?       B.Boy or girl?

5.新年到了,你会对朋友们说:(    )

A.Happy New Year.    B.Happy birthday.


Chinese New Year is in spring. At Chinese New Year, we eat dumpings. We eat sweets. We have dinner. We watch TV. We have firecrackers.

In England, they have Christmas. Christmas is in winter. They have Christmas trees and Christmas presents. They have a big dinner and sing songs.

1. Chinese New Year is _____________.

A. in spring         B. in winter

2. Christmas is __________________.

A. in spring         B. in winter

3. At Chinese New Year, we _________.

A. sing songs        B. eat dumplings

4. They have Christmas trees at ______.

A. Chinese New Year   B. Christmas

5. In ______, we have Christmas.

A. China             B. England

