
图 柑橘类植物,其中一种用肽处理过,而另一种未经处理
柑橘黄龙病(HLB)是由传播媒介的韧皮部细菌亚洲假丝酵母(Clasidatus Liberibacter asiaticus,CLas)引起的,是全世界最具破坏力的柑橘病。当前,没有有效的策略来预防感染或治愈HLB阳性树。
来自澳大利亚小柑桔的SAMP可以迅速杀死可培养的自由杆菌菌株Liberibacter crescens(Lcr),并抑制CLas和CL的感染。在受控温室试验中,SAMP不仅有效降低了HLB阳性树的CLas滴度和疾病症状,而且还诱导了先天免疫以预防和抑制感染。重要的是,与抗生素不同,SAMP具有热稳定性,使其更适合现场应用。喷施的SAMP被柑橘叶片吸收,在植物内部稳定至少一周,然后通过CLas所在维管束移动。

Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB), caused by a vector-transmitted phloem-limited bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), is the most devastating citrus disease worldwide. Currently, there are no effective strategies to prevent infection or to cure HLB-positive trees. Here, using comparative analysis between HLB-sensitive citrus cultivars and HLB-tolerant citrus hybrids and relatives, we identified a novel class of stable antimicrobial peptides (SAMPs). The SAMP from Microcitrus australiasica can rapidly kill Liberibacter crescens (Lcr), a culturable Liberibacter strain, and inhibit infections of CLas and CL. solanacearum in plants. In controlled greenhouse trials, SAMP not only effectively reduced CLas titer and disease symptoms in HLB-positive trees but also induced innate immunity to prevent and inhibit infections. Importantly, unlike antibiotics, SAMP is heat stable, making it better suited for field applications. Spray-applied SAMP was taken up by citrus leaves, stayed stable inside the plants for at least a week, and moved systemically through the vascular system where CLas is located. We further demonstrate that SAMP is most effective on α-proteobacteria and causes rapid cytosol leakage and cell lysis. The α-helix-2 domain of SAMP is sufficient to kill Lcr. Future field trials will help determine the efficacy of SAMP in controlling HLB and the ideal mode of application.
