雅思口语 12个高级词汇替换bad
1 horrible adj. 可怕的,讨厌的 (程度深)
e.g. The chicken nuggets taste horrible. 这炸鸡块好难吃。
Her voice sounds horrible. 她的嗓音难听死了。
horrible disaster 惨祸
horrible films 令人感到恐怖的影片
horrible weather 可怕的天气
horrible news 可怕的消息
2 awful 糟透的adj. (程度深 ) (修饰物品地点,也可以修饰情形)
e.g. The toilet smells awful. 这马桶太难闻了。
I hardly slept at all and felt pretty awful. 我几乎没睡,感觉挺难受。
an awful smell of paint 一股难闻的油漆味
3 lousy ['laʊzɪ] adj. 讨厌的,糟糕的=slightly bad(程度一般)
e.g.lousy job
lousy weekend
lousy food
lousy assistant
Her pay is lousy. 她的薪水少的可怜。
I wasn't actually sick but I felt lousy. 我其实没有生病,但感觉很不舒服。
4 unpleasant adj. 让人不愉快的(修饰情形,经历)=uncomfortable/annoying
e.g. Having to stand outside in the rain was unpleasant. 不得不站在雨中淋雨是让人不太愉快的。
5 harmful 有害的adj.(一般指影响有害的,程度中等)
e.g. Smoking can be harmful to your health.
6 detrimental 有害的adj. (程度中等,比harmful相对更正式一点点)
e.g. Eating foods with too much sugar may be detrimental to our health.
Lime in the soil is detrimental to some plants. 土壤里的石灰对某些植物有害。
7 horrendous [hɒ'rendəs]可怕的,惊人的adj. (程度很深)
e.g. The dogs look horrendous. 这些狗看起来太可怕了。
horrendous traffic problems 可怕的交通问题
horrendous experience 可怕的经历
I become horrendously fat after Chinese new year. 我在春节过后胖得惊人。
8 atrocious [ə'trəʊʃəs] 凶残的adj. (程度很深,可以修饰东西的样子糟糕,更多修饰一种行为)
e.g. What happened at the crime scene was atrocious. 犯罪现场看起来太凶残了。
an atrocious work of art 不好看的艺术品
atrocious crime 残暴的罪行
atrocious manners 粗暴的举止
9 abysmal [ə'bɪzm(ə)l] adj.糟透的 (程度很深,一般修饰结果)
e.g. The exam results were abysmal. 考试结果糟透了。

10 vile [vaɪl] adj. 超级糟糕的=wretchedly bad (可以修饰很多类别)
e.g. The words came out of his mouth were incredibly vile. 他狗嘴里吐不出象牙。
vile humour 糟糕的幽默感
vile odour 糟糕的气味
vile language 糟糕的语言
vile weather 糟糕的天气
vile person 糟糕的人
11 appalling [ə'pɔːlɪŋ] 极其糟糕的,令人震惊的adj. =shockingly bad (程很深很深,有点冒犯人的那种糟糕)
e.g. Her behavior was appalling. 她的行为骇人听闻。
They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two months. 他们在极其恶劣的条件下生活了两个月。
appalling weather 恶劣的天气
appalling crime 骇人听闻的罪行
12 hideous ['hɪdɪəs]adj. 可怕的,丑恶的 (程度深)
e.g. She messed up my haircut. Afterwards, I thought my hair looked hideous. 她弄乱了我的发型。之后,我觉得我的发型糟透了。
hideous face 其丑无比的脸
hideous roar 可怕的咆哮