雅思口语| 6个让你高分的习语
1 down the pan 泡汤了
After all that hard work, everything just went down the pan. 他完成了一切辛苦的准备工作,但一切都泡汤了。
Tom was ready to move into his new home, but everything went down the pan when the fire destroyed the house last night. 汤姆马上要搬到新家去了,但是昨晚的一场大火让一切都泡汤了。
2 part of the furniture 长期没有变动
She's been working in the company for about 15 years. She's become part of the furniture. 她已经在这工作差不多15年了,是这家公司理所当然的存在。
God, you've been here for 20 years, so you're part of the furniture at the organisation. 天哪,你都在这干了20年了,所以你成为了这里理所当然的存在。
3 have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食
I wish I didn't have a sweet tooth, because I had four rotten teeth pulled out and eight filled when I was only twenty. 真希望我不喜欢吃甜食,在我20岁的时候,我已经拔了4颗蛀牙,补了八颗牙了。
4 eye candy徒有其表的人,好看不实用的物品
Tom is very boring, and I think he's just eye candy. 汤姆这个人很无聊,就是个徒有其表的人。
Back then, women on TV were mostly seen as eye candy. 那时候,电视中的女性大多都被看作花瓶。
You'll have to dispense with the eye candy 你必须省去华而不实的话语、修饰语。
5 thingy
You refer to something or someone as thingy when you do not know or cannot be bothered to use the proper word or name for them. (不知其名或懒得用正确名称时用)什么; 东西; 某某
· ...what's his name, Jack Thingy. ...他叫什么来着,杰克什么的。
Hey, Bobble . Listen, do you know where I can find a sharp thingy? 嗨,鲍勃,听着,你知道在哪里能找到一件锋利的东西吗?
6 people person 人缘好
He seems to be especially good at interacting with others, a real people person! 他似乎特别擅长与人交往,他是那种喜欢跟人交往的人。
I'm a real people person and love being around others. 我是很合群的人,喜欢和别人在一起。
You're a people person and by the end of the night you'll have made lots of new friends.你人缘那么好,今晚聚会结束的时候,你就会交到许多新朋友了。