

新加坡讯    由于出现在“运营时间后才能解决的技术故障”,新加坡武吉班让地铁站今天将只有一个月台运作,此外,滨海市区线全天的发车间隔也将拉长。


推特内容:Due to a technical fault which will only be resolved after operational hours, only one platform of the Bukit Panjang Stn will be in service today. This will result in a longer frequency of btwn 3.5 and 4 mins today on the DTL. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

— SBS Transit (@SBSTransit_Ltd) March 16, 2021


推特内容:Due to a technical fault which will only be resolved after operational hrs, only one platform of Bkt Panjang Stn will be in svc today. This will result in a longer frequency of btwn 3.5 & 4 mins for peak hrs & 5.5 mins for off-peak on the DTL. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

— SBS Transit (@SBSTransit_Ltd) March 16, 2021

新加坡捷运也就对乘客造成的不便表示歉意。(《中国基建报》记者 陈思淼 新加坡报道)

