雅思口语| 5个让你上8分的表达

1 be up to something  秘密做什么坏事

I know you're up to something, you're avoiding looking into my eyes!


I knew he was up to something by the look on his face.


2 the ticking gets louder 没时间了(时钟的滴答声越来越大)

The ticking gets louder, let's get down to bussiness. 没时间了,我们开始做正事吧。

3 save the day 帮助别人转危为安,帮助摆脱困境

United fans have come to take for granted that van der Sar will save the day. 曼联球迷都想当然地认为范德萨能够转危为安。

Anyone can save the day. You don't have to be a superhero to do that. 任何人都能帮助别人摆脱困境,你不必成为超级英雄才能做到这一点。

4 emotional roller coaster 情绪起伏大

Because a good dubber must try his best to understand the emotions and feelings of thecharacters they dub, every week can be a real emotional roller coaster. 因为一名出色的配音演员必须竭尽全力去理解他所配角色的情感和感受,所以,每个星期我们都在经历着跌宕起伏的情感波动。

She felt like she was on an emotional roller coaster after the break. 与男朋友分手之后,情绪起伏很大。

5 be out of touch 不了解

Washington politicians are out of touch with the American people.  华盛顿的政客们不了解美国人民。

As a Frenchman selling Italian cars to American buyers, he has been criticized for being outof touch with the U.S. market.


