

3分钟学雅思  |  栏目推送说明






3分钟学雅思· 第7季 ·第11期


《3分钟学雅思》第七季 第11期 点击观看

Describe a popular product (e.g. food, handicraft...) which is made in the region you originate from.

You should say:

What the product is

Who usually buys the product

Where it is sold

And explain why this product is popular.


When mentioning a popular food, I would say hot dry noodles with sesame paste. Hot dry noodles are the traditional cuisine from Wuhan, which have been an essential part of the Wuhan diet. You can see noodle restaurants all over Wuhan because they enjoy a high level of popularity among locals as both breakfast or a snack. It is said that hot dry noodles are considered as one of the top five noodles in China.

The main seasoning consists of a special sauce made of sesame paste, sesame oil, soy sauce and sugar. After getting noodles cooked and cooled down, usually the noodles are topped with spicy pickled radish, spring onions, pickled Chinese long green beans as well as chili oil if you like and then you can add the sauce. An authentic version will use alkaline noodles because Wuhan has a extremely hot summer, which is also regarded as one of the Four Furnaces in China and its summer time is also pretty long. The high temperatures will lead to the food's rapid deterioration. Consequently, people will add dietary alkali to the noodles to avoid them going off.


1. cuisine n. 菜肴

2. top with 在...上面撒上

3. authentic adj. 正宗的

