本文主体部分摘选自:法国埃尔萨景观设计事务所2021年4月13日官方微信推文头条。重庆江山雲出项目是ALSA对演绎森系景观所做的一次全新的尝试。在高差魔幻的8D重庆,原生地势给了设计师更大的发挥空间,对“雲出森居”的演绎便从竖向开始。ALSA主要从现状分析、设计策略、色彩设计多个维度,对江山雲出森系景观进行塑造,迭新人居审美。Chongqing Xuhui Jiangshan Yunxing Project is a new attempt by ALSA to interpret the forest landscape.it’s an attempt to the project of Chongqing Yuelai, which left us the spaces of original topography, difference of levels in the” 8D Chongqing “. Obviously, the design should be based on the elevation and the levels.ALSA mainly from the status quo analysis, design strategy, color design dimensions, the landscape of the river, mountain, cloud, forest, to shape the aesthetic of new living.
现状分析|site analysis:设计之初我们从场地高差条件出发进行研究,项目原始地形为山地,在开发过程中,场地逐渐形成大型台地肌理,层级空间在大环境中已然出现。At the beginning of the design, we started from the height difference of the site. The original terrain of the project was mountainous. In the development process, the site gradually formed a large platform texture, and the hierarchical space already appeared in the environment.
设计策略|Design strategy:设计师在原有地形基础上,利用竖向高点拓展平台空间,在竖向低点内嵌下沉场地,在坡地区域形成台级地形,抬起、下凹、层级,在不同的位置有序发生。Based on the original terrain, the designer used the vertical high point to expand the platform space, embedded the sinking site at the vertical low point, and formed the terraced terrain in the slope area, which was raised, lowered and leveled in order at different positions.
而后依据空间属性,功能也被合理赋予。被绿意包围的戏水池会客厅,层层叠叠的室外剧场空间,与挡墙完美结合的坡地儿童乐园,银杏林下的半私密邻里空间......一幕幕生活场景映入眼帘。Then according to the spatial attributes, the function is also given reasonably.The play pool and pergola surrounded by green, the outdoor theater space layer upon layer, the slope children's park perfectly combined with the retaining wall, the semi-private neighborhood space under the ginkgo forest......The scene of life came into view.▼鸟瞰 | bird view
色彩设计|Color design:竖向的演绎奠定了森居基础,色彩更是最能体现森系特质的元素。“绿意盎然”、“鸟语花香”、“一抹纯蓝”、“灰白雾都”,典型色彩的提取及运用蔓延在园区的各处,构建起重庆森林印象。As our analyse explained clearly the projects is based on the forest in habitation, then the colors are most important element for the forest in habitation style residence design. The happy birds are chirping,everything is so green/ the fragrant flowers are blooming/ some blue touches/ Grey fogy capital...... Some typical colors are extracted to enforce the spirit of the Chongqing Forest.▼绿意盎然 | Green forest
▼鸟语花香 | Flowers are blooming
▼一抹纯蓝 | Blue touches
▼雾都灰白 | Grey foggy capital
建筑理念|Architectural concept:为了更好地呈现这部北重庆改善物业的登峰之作,迭新人居审美力。江山雲出特邀6位国际知名设计大师倾力合筑,以领先世界的前沿设计手法,打造出年轻而又现代化的建筑外立面。In order to better present the North Chongqing property improvement of the peak work, Duixin Renju aesthetic force.Jiangshan Yunout specially invited 6 internationally renowned design masters to work together to create a young and modern building facade with world-leading cutting-edge design techniques.
时尚雅致的高级灰色调,大面积的玻璃栏板和超大开窗面,带来更通透的空间体验。Fashionable and elegant advanced gray tone, large area of glass panels and large Windows, bring a more transparent space experience.
江山雲出以森系景观、独特的建筑理念,营造平行全球人居前沿的建筑美学与住宅标准,将“未来人居艺术”再度升华,蝶变全新人居审美。 Jiangshan cloud with forest landscape, unique architectural concept, to create a parallel global frontier of human settlements of architectural aesthetics and housing standards, the 'future of human settlements art' sublimation again, butterfly changes a new human settlements aesthetic.