


“精神创伤的影响能遗传给后代,但这一过程也能被积极的经历所逆转。”苏黎世大学(University of Zurich)神经表观遗传学教授伊莎贝尔·芒叙(Isabelle Mansuy)说道。



Traces of Genetic Trauma Can Be Tweaked

In recent years researchers have learned that trauma can be inherited—passed down due to changes in DNA, what's known as epigenetics. But researchers recently uncovered a new wrinkle to the story:

'The effects of trauma which can be transmitted to the offspring can be reversed by a positive experience.'

That's Isabelle Mansuy, professor of neuroepigenetics at the University of Zurich.

She and colleagues studied newborn male mice and their mothers that were separated from each other, which caused them both to experience traumatic stress. Those male mice and their male offspring displayed trauma symptoms—which made them different from other mice that had not been separated from their mothers. But when these symptomatic mice were exposed to positive experiences, their behavior changed—as did the fate of their offspring.

'And we show that the negative consequences of this which are depressive behaviors, cognitive problems, antisocial behaviors, risk...[full transcript]


