

51Circus, .jpg

52Collage. 1914 .jpg

55Cows Grazing.jpg

56Con. Nachalo 20 veka..jpg

57Day on the Beach, Hamptons, Long Island. .jpg

58Design of an Ex Libris for E F Gollerbach, 1932

59Dnestr River Rapids. 1910s .jpg

60Dream of the Past.jpg

61Elsinore. .jpg

62English Castle, 1946 .jpg

63Fauvist Landscape.jpg

64Fifty-thousand-year-old woman on Mars. 1922.jpg

65Figures by a Riverside .jpg MacDougall 066

66Fish House.jpg

67Fishing Boat, Rockport .jpg

68Flowers and Seashells in a Mountain Landscape, c.1951.jpg

69Flowers by a window. 1962.jpg

70Flowers by the Sea, 1945 .jpg

71Flowers by the Sea.jpg MAC-APR08 019

72Flowers in a Mountain Landscape. Priv.coll..jpg

73Flowers in a White Vase by the Sea. .jpg

74Flowers in Cuba. 1955.jpg

75Flowers on side of house fruit by sea. 1955.jpg

76Forest Pathway, .jpgmac dee 021

77Frank Kleinholtz, c 1950

78Futurist 2.jpg

79Futurist Composition. .jpg

80Futurist Still Life with Cactus. 1928.jpg

81Galloping Horse by a Village. .jpg

82Geri Pine, 1949.jpg

83Girl with Cow and Windmill.jpg

84Great Peconick Bay L.I. N.Y..jpg

85Harvesting. 1915 , Киев.jpg

86Head of a Woman, c.1939.jpg190 views

87Heads on the Beach. Private collection.jpg

88Horse Drawn Sleigh, .jpg MacDougall 003

89Hudson River 1924 Collection of A M Beckerman, USA


94In a Russian Village. 1926 Collection of A.M.Beckerman, USA.jpg

95In the Church. 1922 Private collection, USA.jpg

96In the Paddy Fields. 1921 ГРМ.jpg

97Japanese Bay 1921 Collection of the artist's family, USA

98Japanese Boy 1922 Collection of the artist's family, USA

99Japanese Forest Landscape. Circa 1920.jpg

100Japanese Village 1921 Collection of A R Weiner, USA