Barry M. Trost


Synthesis and Methods

Total Synthesis


Barry M. Trost于1941年6月13日出生于美国费城,1962年在宾夕法尼亚大学获得本科学位,随后在导师H.O.豪斯(H.O. House )的指导下在1965年于麻省理工学院获得博士学位,他的毕业论文为“烯醇酸阴离子的结构和反应性“。
1965年,进入威斯康辛大学担任化学助理教授,1968年升任副教授,1969年获评教授;1976年担任Evan P. and Marion Helfaer 化学教授;1980-82年,担任系主任;1982年担任Vilas 化学研究教授。
1987年,进入斯坦福大学担任化学教授,1990年至今担任学校人文于科学Job and Gertrud 教授。



The theme of synthesis

Developing the tools, i.e., the reactions and reagents
Creating the proper network of reactions to make complex targets readily available from simple starting materials


1. Magnesium-Catalyzed Asymmetric DirectAldol Addition of Ethyl Diazoacetate to Aromatic, Aliphatic, anda,b-Unsaturated Aldehydes, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 1674 (2009), Trost, B.M.;Malhotra, S.; Fried, B.A.

2. Asymmetric Total Synthesis of SoraphenA: A Flexible Alkyne Strategy, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 48, 5478 (2009), Trost,B.M.; Sieber, J.D.; Qian, W.; Dhawan, R.; Ball, Z.T.

3. Total Synthesis and StereochemicalAssignment of (-)-Ushikulide A, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 15066 (2009), Trost,B.M.; O'Boyle, B.M.; Hund, D.

4. Evaluating Transition Metal-CatalyzedTransformations for the Synthesis of Laulimalide, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 17087(2009), Trost, B.M.; Amans, D.; Seganish, W.M.; Chung, C.K.

5. Cyclic 1,2-Diketones as Core BuildingBlocks: A Strategy for the Total Synthesis of (-)-Terpestacin, Chem. Eur. J.,16, 6265 (2010), Trost, B.M.; Dong, G.; Vance, J.A.

6. Enantioselective ProPhenol-CatalyzedAddition of 1,3-Diynes to Aldehydes to Generate Synthetically VersatileBuilding Blocks and Diyne Natural Products, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 5186(2010), Trost, B.M.; Chan, V.; Yamamoto, D.

7. Differential Reactivities of EnyneSubstrates in Ruthenium- and Palladium-Catalyzed Cycloisomerizations to Bi- andTri-Cyclic Products, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 9206 (2010), Trost, B.M.;Gutierrez, A.C.; Ferreira, E.M.

8. Total Synthesis of Bryostatin 16 using aPd-Catalyzed Diyne-Coupling as Macrocyclization Metrhod and Synthesis ofC20-epi-Bryostatin 7 as a Potent Anticancer Agent, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132,16403 (2010), Trost, B.M.; Dong, G.

9. Development of a Concise Synthesis of(-)-Oseltamivir (Tamiflu®), Chem. Eur. J., 17, 3630 (2011), Trost, B.M.; Zhang,T.

10. Propargyl Alcohols as OxocarbenolidePrecursors for the Ruthenium-Catalyzed Cyclopropanation of Unactivated Olefinsby Redox Isomerization, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 4766    (2011), Trost, B.M.; Breder, A.; O'Keefe,B.M.; Rao, M.; Franz,, A.W.

Recent Publications

1)Ruthenium-catalyzed Intermolecular Coupling of Vinylic 1,2-Bisboronates with Alkynes: Stereoselective Access to Boryl-Substituted Homoallylic Alcohols

2)Ruthenium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation of Isatins

3)Direct Enantio- and Diastereoselective Zn-ProPhenol-Catalyzed Mannich Reactions of CF3- and SCF3‑Substituted Ketones

4)Palladium-Catalyzed Regio-, Enantio- and Diastereoselective Asymmetric [3+2] Cycloaddition Reactions: Synthesis of chiral cyclopentyl phosphonates

5)Two-Step Synthesis of Carbohydrates by Selective Aldol Reactions

6)Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Fluoroalkylation/ Trifluoromethylation

7)Synthetic Strategies Employed for the Construction of Fostriecin and Related Natural Products

8)Asymmetric Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Allylic Alkylations: Applications in Total Synthesis




Barry M. Trost可以说是著作等身的化学家。从1964年发表文章至今,仍然进行深入的研究,不断有新的成果发表。这份持续的热爱与执着,值得我们学习。




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