未来睡眠 (Future sleep) ·品牌故事
Brand Story

创始人在年轻时,有次母亲生病住院,去探望妈妈,当时发生了一件很小的事,妈妈在床上艰 难地坐起来,他马上过去扶一下,习惯性地帮妈妈捶捶肩膀和腰部,尽管妈妈感到很舒服,但 还是让儿子在旁边休息聊天,儿子也没再坚持,妈妈满怀希望地说要是市面上有健康养生功 能的床垫就好了,当时因为年轻没听懂妈妈的话,加上自己对养生器械的肤浅认知,就回避 了这个话题,若干年后,每每想起在天国的妈妈,就有种愧疚的感觉,不知道问题出在哪里, 直到有一天,一个念头在脑子里出现,做一款养生深度睡眠床垫的时候,压抑在内心深处的 愧疚感突然消失了,一款深度睡眠的床垫就幵始了艰难的8年研发路程,直到2021年又再次 腾飞。
When the founder was young, there was a time when his mother fell ill and was hospitalized, he went to visit his mother. While his mother was struggling to sit up but failed, he immediately went to help her and then massage her shoulders and waist. The mother felt very comfortable and relaxing, so asked the founder would it be great if there was a mattress has function of health care in a hopeful tone. At that time, because he was young and busy, he didn't understand the pain suffers nor take it seriously. Also, based on his limited knowledge of health care aids, this was impossible to realize then, so he avoidedthis topic. After ◦ few years, whenever he thinks of his mother in heaven, he feels depressed and pretty guilty. Until one day, over years R&D experience on flow control and health industry products, he has a thought. It appeared his mind about making a deep sleep mattress, and through the non-stopping efforts in the next 8 difficult years, the guilt suppressed deeply in heart, finally disappeared. 2021, we are ready to Take off.
Brand Introduction

产品在尊崇自然的前提下,釆用天然环保的材料。并利用科技赋能,通过科技对材料的创新 和应用,对结构的优化和创新,对功能的改进和提升,对技术的突破,创造出更好的舒适度和 体验感。所有产品坚持高品质、高安全、高舒适性、高体验感。
以自然之色,温暧治愈以自然气息,调动五感 以自然灵感,诠释睡眠以科技之美,焕发新生 国内第一个真正解决深度睡眠难题的睡眠生态品牌。
享受睡眠的时光,向世人传播"ENJOY DEEP SLEEP"的生活理念。
Future Sleep is inspired by the true desire for good sleep in modern times. Our products use natural and eco- friendly materials on the basis of respecting nature. With technology innovation and application of advanced materials, we optimize and enhance functions and structures constantly to bring customers a more comfortable experience. All products adhere to high quality, high safely, high comfort, and excellent experience. Let the body and mind be truly relaxed and happy in the comfortable ecological sleep system. Let the dream of "a good night's sleep" come true. Heal with natural color and warmth. Arouse five senses with natural breath. Interpret sleep with natural inspiration. Rejuvenate life with the breakthrough of technology. Future Sleep is the first sleep ecological brand that truly solves the problems of deep sleep. Enjoy the time of sleep and spread the life philosophy of "Enjoy Deep Sleep" to the world.