
只剩下救命的稻草Potentially clinically meaningful improvements in both PFS and OS were observed among pre-specified subgroups of patients with inflammatory biomarkers

晚期不行,有寄希望于早期:Patients in the CANOPY-A study more closely reflect the earlier CANTOS study population than those in the CANOPY-1 trial

今年ESMO公布了CANOPY-2即canakinumab+多西他赛 vs 多西他赛 in  2L NSCLC的结果:




  • 患者基线没有肿瘤,但24%和半数的患者为吸烟者或曾吸烟者,且有较高水平炎症(hsCRP),所以预设了肺癌的探索性分析


  • CANOPY-A (NCT03447769) is a double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase III trial studying canakinumab in the adjuvant setting following surgical resection and cisplatin-based chemotherapy, if required2. The adjuvant study is designed to determine if treatment with canakinumab can prevent cancer relapse.

  • CANOPY-N (NCT03968419) is a Phase II neoadjuvant trial evaluating canakinumab either as monotherapy or in combination with pembrolizumab among patients with resectable NSCLC prior to their planned surgery.

  • CANOPY-1 (NCT03631199) was a double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase III trial evaluating canakinumab as a first-line treatment for locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC in combination with pembrolizumab and platinum-based doublet chemotherapy4. As reported today, the trial did not met its primary endpoints of overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS).

  • CANOPY-2 (NCT03626545) was a double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase III trial investigating the role of canakinumab in combination with the chemotherapy agent docetaxel in second- or third-line therapy versus docetaxel alone in NSCLC12. In March 2021, Novartis announced that the trial did not meet its primary endpoint, and data were presented at the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2021 Congress.

