
在计算机领域,1024M等于1GB,谐音“一级棒”,因此每年10月24日被业界认定为“程序员节”(Programmer's Day)。今天我们就听读世界上第一个程序员背后的故事吧。
Ada Lovelace understood that if you could make a machine that calculated (v.计算;估计;考虑;推测;计划;指望) not just individual numbers but abstract(n.抽象;摘要;抽象的概念:adj.抽象的;深奥的)variables(adj.易变的,多变的;可变的;[生]变异的,畸变的;变量的;n.可变物,可变因素) that you could use computers to weave(vt.编织;使迂回前进:vi.纺织;编成) numbers,musical notes,any kind of symbolic(adj.使用符号的;象征的;符号的) language and that it could be applied to really anything in the way that it is in our modern world.


Ada Lovelace was a mathematician(n.数学家) in the Victorian Age, the very first computer programmer(n.程序员;程序器;节目编排者). She was the daughter of the poet Lord Byron. Her father was known as a kind of louche romantic, you know, a little bit seedy(adj.多种子的;结籽的;破烂的),a little bit crazy, a little bit wild.

爱达·勒芙蕾丝是维多利亚时期的数学家,世界上第一个计算机程序员。她是诗人拜伦勋爵的女儿。她的父亲因为一种声名狼籍的浪漫而闻名,你懂的有点多情,有点疯狂 又有点野性。

When he divorced her mother, She(her mother)decided that she was going to try to curb (n.抑制;勒马绳;路边;vt.勒住;控制)out all the romantic tendencies(n.倾向,趋势;癖好) in her daughter's spirit by teaching her mathematics, rigorously(adj.严格的,严厉的;严酷的;严密的),from a very young age.So,she was instructed(vt.命令;教授;指导;通知)in the maths and sciences from childhood.but unfortunately.she retained(vt.保持;雇;记住)some of her fathers poetic(adi.诗的,诗歌的;诗意的;诗人的;n.诗学,诗论) spirit,so she became fixated with the idea of mathematics as a form of poetry, and as a metaphysical art in and of itself

他和她的母亲离婚后,她(的母亲)决定要抑制住她女儿灵魂中的所有的浪漫主义倾向,通过从小就开始的严厉的数学教育。所以她童年就受到了数学和科学的教育,但不幸的是 她还是保留了些她父亲的诗意,所以她念念不忘着要把数学作为另一种形式的诗,一种内在的形而上学的艺术。

She wrote all of these mathematicians and scientists of her day into

corresponding(vi.相符合,相一致;相类似;通信) with her and giving her lessons. but ultimately (adv. 最后;最终),yeah,she was an autodidact.She read everything she could get her hands on, she kept up-to-date with all the scientific publications(n.出版;发行;出版物;公布;发表) of her day,she corresponded with people that she admired, and she organized little scientific salons(n.沙龙;客厅;画廊;美术展览馆)in her immediate social circles

她和所有她那个时代的数学家还有科学家通信来往,他们也教给她一些东西,但是从根本上来说嗯 她是自学成才的。她读遍了身边所有的书,她把阅读最新的科学出版物当做日常,她和她欣赏的人通信,她还在她密切来往的社交圈里举办小型的科学沙龙。

So,she taught herself everything she knew. And she ended up spending her life developing mathematical proofs for the earliest (n. 最早;adj.最早的) computer


In fact, before computers were even built, she made mathematical proofs that can be characterized as the earliest computer programs for a machine called the difference engine and then the analytical engine.So, Ada Lovelace's primary contribution(n.捐助物,贡献;捐款) to the history of computer science is a set of notes that she wrote that were footnotes of the translation of a paper written about Charles Babbage's analytical engine,which was a machine that he was having a really hard time getting funded by the British government.

实际上 早在计算机发明出来之前,她就先后为差分机和分析机做了数学证明,这个可以说是最早的计算机程序了。爱达·勒芙蕾丝对计算机科学发展做出的最主要贡献是她在翻译一篇关于查尔斯巴贝奇发明的分析机的文章时所做的注释,这个机器是巴贝奇千辛万苦才争取到英国政府的资助的。

He traveled around Europe giving talks about the machine. One of the people that saw one of those talks was a young Italian engineer named L.F.Menabrea, who ended up becoming the Prime Minister of Italy.


He wrote a technical paper about the analytical engine that was published(vt.发表;出版;公布;vi.出版;发行;刊印) in a Swiss journal.Ada read it. She thought it was pretty good.But she thought she could do better


She showed it to Babbage, and she said,'Couldn't I do better than this?', basically. She ended up creating a volume of notes that ended up being several times more voluminous than the original paper.

她把它拿给巴贝奇看 然后说:“我难道不能写得比这更好吗?”她最后为这篇文章做了大量的注释,甚至最终篇幅超过原始文章的好几倍。

She made a massive jump(computer science) that wasn't really recognized until the 1950s, the dawn of the computing age.A number of computer scientists rediscovered (vt.再次(重新)发现) her notes and republished them because they had essentially(adv.本质上;根本上;必需的) predicted(vt.预报,预言;预知;vi.作出预言;作预料)everything that they were doing in the early days of computing.


We have to actively make sure that we develop our own history and keep it updatedand maintain it and open it up to as many people as possible.


