




Yuan Datou is one of the major currencies in circulation during the Republican period. Yuan Datou is a colloquial name for the coins of Yuan Shikai's portrait series.

Yuan Datou is known as the treasure of silver coins in the field of currency collection. It is the most widespread and influential variety of silver coins in modern China, and also an important role in the reform of currency system in modern China. During the Guangxu Reign, silver coins were minted in various provinces, but the weight and fineness were not uniform, and the quantity was difficult to control. Revolution broke out in 1911, the provinces due to eager to use funds, not only processing coined silver dollars, but also indiscriminately coined copper notes and military notes, currency system more chaotic.

After the founding of the Republic, there were almost no financial discrepancies, and the financial crisis was very serious. In the short term, the issue of paper money is also a wonderful way to accumulate money. Only paper money is the representative of silver dollars and a coupon. Without the full preparation and wide circulation of silver dollars, the credit of paper money cannot be established. At this moment, the currency system reform is urgent --- "Yuan Tatou" silver yuan was born based on this, but also the inevitable result of the development of silver yuan. After years of casting, coupled with its high reputation, "Yuan Taitou" the number of increased, gradually wide circulation, although the remote edge of the border, there are traces. The passage of the "silver yuan" in Yuan Dadu promoted the unification of silver yuan and prepared the conditions for the "abolishment of two changed yuan".

In the first ten years, Yuan Shikai's five portraits were painted on the left side. The traditional Chinese characters created in the decade of the Republic of China are of great value for historical and cultural research, and imply the ideal of "democracy, republic, constitutional government, and constitutional monarchy." Underneath (on the back) is the pattern of Jiahe, the ancient name of Jiahe is the strange growth of Jiahe, which is regarded by the ancients as an auspicious sign. Also generally refers to the growth of robust cereal rice. Dictionary of "book · the life of the microson": "Tang Shu Wo, different acres of the same, dedicated to the Emperor. Minted on coins implies that the state attaches great importance to agriculture and the people's livelihood, while another implies that the family is harmonious and everything is prosperous. Above the coins, the rulers have the vision of national peace and good luck, folk collection, meaning "home and prosperity" of the auspicious treasure, so there is a high value of collection research.









