白桦林中的邂逅 | 复地长春卡伦湖生态城体验区
JTL Studio:清凉的晨曦扫过淡淡的薄雾,笔直而上的树干上银白色的光点,在北风里微微抖动着。
JTL Studio: The cool morning light swept through the faint mist, and the silver-white light spots on the straight up tree trunks trembling slightly in the north wind.
▼秋日,白桦树穿过间隙向上生长 In autumn, birch trees grow upward through the pavilion
▼晚间灯光打在树干上,氛围宁静祥和 Lights on the tree at night, make the peaceful atmosphere
Passing through the courtyard where the shadows of the trees are whirling, watching the scattered sun mottled, step by step, approaching you. I know that every step we have taken is our longing, a kind of memory revealed in our longing.
We are looking for a great melody, but we find more dazzling notes in the details. In autumn, the golden birch forests where we stroll, the lakesides reflected by the afterglow of the setting sun, or the snow mist that suddenly floats when we walk through the quiet plains, and the bonfires piled up, you say, these warm memories are vivid moments. It is longer than the most romantic story, and more worthy of desire than the eternity of crossing a glacier.
▼俯瞰白桦林 Overlooking the birch wood
▼细节设计 Detailed design
Every building or courtyard is existence and memory. What makes architecture eternal are those memories that have existed, and architecture is the carrier of these memories.
Our encounters, loves and dreams will all be recorded in this small space, and become trivial but not insignificant in the flow of time.
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景观设计:JTL Studio Pte Ltd,Singapore
设计团队:Pax Ju, Liu Zhan, Henry Miflores, Bannapanya Chanaphat, Dominic Yang
Project Name: Forte Ecologic Town by Kaun lake, Changchun
Project Location: Changchun, China
Project Area: 8600 sqm
Developer: Forte Land Group
Landscape Architect: JTL Studio Pte Ltd,Singapore
Design Team: Pax Ju, Liu Zhan, Henry Miflores, Bannapanya Chanaphat, Dominic Yang
LDI: Jilin Architecture Design Institute Co.,Ltd.
Architect: Forte Design Institute Co.,Ltd.
Art Consultant: Shanghai Yuexiang Landscape Co.,Ltd.
Photographer: Prism Image
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