
我们正在精读国外经典骨科书籍《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》,想要对于骨科英文形成系统认识,为以后无障碍阅读英文文献打下基础,请持续关注。


Mechanism of injury

While the knee is flexed and the quadriceps muscle relaxed, the patella may be forced laterally by direct violence; this is rare. More often traumatic dislocation is due to indirect force: sudden, severe contraction of the quadriceps muscle while the knee is stretched in valgus and external rotation. Typically this occurs in field sports when a runner dodges to one side. The patella dislocates laterally and the medial patellofemoral ligament and retinacular fibres may be torn. Predisposing factors are anatomical variations such as genu valgum, tibial torsion, high-riding patella (patella alta) and a shallow intercondylar groove, as well as patellar hypermobility due to generalized ligamentous laxity or localized muscle weakness.

Clinical features

In a 'first-time’ dislocation the patient may experience a tearing sensation and a feeling that the knee has gone 'out of joint’; when running, he or she may collapse and fall to the ground. Often the patella springs back into position spontaneously; however, if it remains unreduced there is an obvious (if somewhat misleading) deformity: the displaced patella, seated on the lateral side of the knee, is not easily noticed but the uncovered medial femoral condyle is unduly prominent and may be mistaken for the patella. Neither active nor passive movement is possible (Fig. 30.16). In the rare intraarticular (downward) dislocation the patella is stuck between the condyles and there is a marked prominence on the front of the knee.

If the dislocation has reduced spontaneously, the knee may be swollen and there may be bruising and tenderness on the medial side. If there is fluid in the joint, aspiration may show that it is bloodstained; the presence of fat droplets suggests a concurrent osteochondral fracture.

With recurrent dislocation the symptoms and signs are much less marked, though still unpleasant. After spontaneous reduction the knee looks normal, but the apprehension test is positive.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


dodge to one side.躲到一边。

dodge /dɑːdʒ/v. 躲开;迅速让开

Predisposing factors 发病诱因

/,pridɪs'poz/v. 使倾向于;容易诱发(predispose 的现在分词)

/ˌpriːdɪˈspoʊz/vt. 预先处置;使…偏向于

genu valgum/'vælɡəm/膝外翻;叉形腿

patella alta高位髌骨

bloodstained /ˈblʌdsteɪnd/v. 血染(bloodstain 的过去式和过去分词)adj. 有血污的,血腥的;犯杀人罪的

osteochondral fracture.(膝)骨软骨骨折

apprehension/ˌæprɪˈhenʃn/n. 理解;恐惧;逮捕;忧惧








