词汇、语法短视频动画Kids' Pages原版系列,助燃孩子对英语学习的兴趣!(MP4,87集,涵盖中小学主要内容)

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上周日,我发了一篇《以动画形式,展示Simple Present一般现在时!》,大家一致叫好,这让我感到很有成就感。认可和肯定,谁都需要的!然后群里就有朋友问,这个系列动画,还有没有别的?
我反复看了看这段视频,发现开头就是系列名称,叫Kid's Pages。于是我去自己的大资料库里搜索,去腾讯视频搜索,但是都找不到,我就有点纳闷了,怎么会呢?这时,我们群里已经有朋友把B站的相关视频列表都发上来了。我定睛一瞧,我的天,是Kids' Pages,不是Kid's!

01  Vocabulary - 词汇

01. Places Vocabulary in English

02. Clothes & Accessories Vocabulary

03. Body Parts Vocabulary

04. Food and drinks vocabulary

05. Feelings and emotions vocabulary

06. Jobs and Occupations _ Learn English vocabulary about professions

07. Learn Vegetables Vocabulary in English

08. Fruits Vocabulary

09. Transportation Vocabulary and Vehicle Names

10. Opposites Vocabulary in English

11. Action Verbs Vocabulary

12. Daily Routines vocabulary

13. House vocabulary, Parts of the House, Rooms in the House, House Objects and Furniture

14. School Objects, Subjects and Building

15. Learn the English Alphabet _ The Letters ABC for children

16. Long Time No See - Common English Phrases

17. We Went Camping - Irregular Verbs

02  Conversation - 对话

01. Health and Illnesses Conversation

02. Prepositions of Place and Prepositions of Movement through Conversation

03. Describing People's Appearance and Personality Conversation

04. School Conversation, School Dialogue

05. Talking about household chores in English - short dialogues

06. Talking about Clothes in English

07. Talking about Daily Routines

08. At the Restaurant Conversation

09. Shopping at the Grocery Store - English Conversation

10. Introducing Yourself in English and Meeting New People

11. Talking about Your Home in English

12. My School Day - Classroom Language and Conversation

13. Talking about Hobbies and Free Time Activities

14. What Did You Do_ Simple Past Tense

15. Describing Animals  with Simple Present Tense

16. What are they doing_ Present Continuous Tense

17. What have you done lately_ Present Perfect Tense

18. At the Airport Conversation

19. Nice to meet you! How to Introduce People in English

20. If I Were You - Conditionals in English

21. What Have You Been Doing_ - Present Perfect Continuous

22. Used To and Would

23. Some, Every, Any, No & Compounds

24. Talking about Daily Routines with Phrasal Verbs

25. English Phrasal Verbs for Everyday Life

03  Grammar - 语法

01. What are they doing_ Present Continuous Tense

02. Describing Animals  with Simple Present Tense

03. What Did You Do_ Simple Past Tense

04. Prepositions of Place and Prepositions of Movement through Conversation

05. Action Verbs Vocabulary

06. What have you done lately_ Present Perfect Tense

07. What are you going to do_ Simple Future Tense - Will_ Be Going To_ Be+ing

08. Modal Verbs Conversation

09. What were you doing_ - Past Continuous

10. The Most Important Thing - Comparatives and Superlatives

11. Phrasal Verbs Conversation

04  Describing People - 描述人物

01. Describing People's Appearance and Personality Conversation

02. Hobbies and Interests

03. Feelings and emotions vocabulary

04. Jobs and Occupations _ Learn English vocabulary about professions

05. Daily Routines vocabulary

06. Body Parts Vocabulary

07. Clothes & Accessories Vocabulary

08. Introducing Yourself in English and Meeting New People

09. Talking about Your Family in English

10. Talking about Your Hometown in English

11. Nice to meet you! How to Introduce People in English

12. Talking about Hobbies and Free Time Activities

13. Describing People, Places and Things

05  Nature and Animals - 自然与动物

01. Nature Vocabulary and Facts - English for kids

02. Sea Animals, Insects and Birds Names and Sounds

03. The Four Seasons of the Year Vocabulary

04. Winter vocabulary - Learn to talk about winter season

05. Spring - English Vocabulary

06. Animal Homes Vocabulary for Kids

07. Learn the Animal Body Parts

08. Describing Animals  with Simple Present Tense

09. Farm Animals, Wild Animals Names and Sounds for kids

10. Baby Animals Names and Sounds

11. My Summer Vacation

06  Popular Recommend - 热门推荐

01. School Conversation, School Dialogue

02. Action Verbs Vocabulary

03. House vocabulary, Parts of the House, Rooms in the House, House Objects and Furniture

04. School Objects, Subjects and Building

05. Daily Routines vocabulary

06. Future Continuous Tense

07. Past Perfect Tense

07  English Idioms

01. English Idioms and Phrasal Verbs

02. English Idioms 2

03. English Idioms 3

