
- 周日大咖说 -


Echo今天为大家介绍一本罗琳的床头必读读物 -- 《柳林风声》(也被译作《风雨河岸柳》)。

The Wind in the Willows《柳林风声》is a story about four animals: the innocent Mole(鼹鼠), the reliable Rat(河鼠), the respectable Badger(獾)and the reckless Toad(蟾蜍).

Fantastic Cast

The innocent Mole

He left his home underground and was attracted by a river. Then he was invited by the Rat to travel on the river and live with him.

The reliable Rat

He was experienced and welcoming. He was patient with his new friend, the Mole. He had many friends, including the Toad and the Badger.

The respectable Badger

He didn’t like society. But when he was needed by his friends, he would be the responsible one and took charge. For example, when the Toad Hall was occupied by weasels and ferrets, he organized them to fight against them.

The reckless Toad

He was crazy about cars and did things without thinking about the consequences.

Word List

Innocent: adj. 无辜的;无罪的;无知的

Reliable: adj. 可靠的;可信赖的

Respectable: adj. 值得尊敬的

Reckless: adj. 鲁莽的

Experienced: adj. 老练的;富有经验的

Welcoming: adj.友好的,热情的

Take charge: 掌管,负责

Weasel: n. 鼬鼠;狡猾的人

Ferret: n.鼬鼠

Be crazy about: 为...而疯狂

Consequence:n. 结果,后果


Insightful Quotes

这本书之所以老少咸宜,是因为作者Kenneth Grahame让书中的角色说出的话也是很有洞察力呢(insightful)!

“After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working.”


“Good, bad, and indifferent -- it takes all sorts to make a world.”

“无论是好的 ,坏的,还是中立的 -- 一个世界需要囊括万千。”

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