若不珍惜身边的人或物,则就很容易与之擦肩而过,事后就后悔莫及,就像时间,它对于每个人都是公平的,但有的人争分夺秒,跑在时间的前面,而有的人虚度年华,被时间远远甩在后面。所以不珍惜时间的人,变得碌碌无为或无所事事都只是弹指一挥间的事。在英语中,表达“争分夺秒”可以用习语against the clock,不要把它理解为“靠着钟”,它相当于 against time,比喻与时间赛跑,例如: It's now become a race against the clock.从现在开始要跟时间赛跑。The emergency services were working against the clock as the tide began to rise.开始涨潮了,紧急救援机构正在争分夺秒地工作。You only have an hour to complete the game so it's a mad dash against the clock.你只有一个小时来完成这场比赛,所以得铆足劲头争分夺秒。表达“弹指一挥间”可以用习语 in a trice,相当于 in an instant,比喻时间过得很快,例如:He was gone in a trice.转眼之间他就没影儿了。I will be there in a trice, stop calling me so often.我马上就到,别再经常给我打电话了。The company wound up in a trice. Nobody even had a chance to understand what happened before the owners packed up and left.公司很快就倒闭了。在主人收拾行李离开之前,甚至没有人有机会了解发生了什么。She was only 10 minutes late to the party but apparently the cake was over in a trice.她参加聚会只迟到了10分钟,但很明显蛋糕马上就被吃完了。He was one of the richest men in the region but it all got over in a trice. Today he is hiding somewhere abroad.他是这个地区最富有的人之一,但这一切很快就过去了。今天他躲在国外的某个地方。你不理财,财不理你,同样你不珍惜时间,就将蹉跎一辈子,赶紧抓住时间的尾巴,充分利用每分每秒,不要老是为自己的懒惰找理由。